Chapter Sixteen

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Third Person P.O.V

Alexandra sighed as she watched Bella argue with Edward in her truck. She had told Bella she had forgiven her, but she wasn't sure that she does. She's hurt by what Bella had said and how the girl treated her, but she's her sister, so she has to forgive her, right? Alexandra caught Edward's stare, frowning as she realized her had read her thoughts.

"Can't have any privacy." She muttered as she walked over to her bed, laying down on it as she thought over many things. After a minute or two Bella came up into her room. "Edward isn't letting me see Jacob!" She yelled out in frustration. "Woah, calm down, Bells." Alexandra quickly sat up. "What's going on?" She quickly asked.

Bella walked over and sat down on the bed. "I was going to go see Jake, but Alice predicted that so Edward messed with my truck so I couldn't go." Alexandra frowned. "That sounds awfully controlling of him. Jake is your friend, he shouldn't decide whether you see him or not." Bella sighed. "That's what I was saying, he has not right to keep me away from him." She stated.

"He could be feeling insecure over Jacob liking you, he does see himself as a monster, or so you have said." Bella looked over at her as she laid back on the bed. "But I don't like Jake like that." Bella frowned. "I know, why don't you just go get some sleep? You have school tomorrow." Bella nodded and got up, leaving the room.

Alexandra sighed. The only time Bella came to her now was if she wanted to rant or needed something, it was starting to grow tiring for the girl. "Why is everything so complicated." Alexandra whispered as she climbed under her covers. She slowly fell asleep, her thoughts of Bella deceasing as she grew too tired to worry.


Alexandra sat in the kitchen, drinking a mug of coffee. She had worked ahead and finished her work for the year, mostly because she needed something to distract her mind and didn't realize how far she had gotten. Alexandra groaned as she looked around the house, it did look quite dusty. "I guess I could clean." She talked to herself. Alexandra turned on some music and got out the cleaning supplies, deciding to clean the house to keep her mind occupied.


"Hey!" Alexandra greeted Charlie and Bella at the door. "Where were you guys? I've been waiting around, I made you some dinner!" She told them happily. "Oh... we stopped by the diner to eat." Alexandra's smile faltered before she forced it back up. "We can just eat it tomorrow! I'll heat it up." She rushed into the kitchen.

Why did they go without her? She wondered as she was putting the casserole in the fridge. She had spent so long working on the food, it was a new recipe she had learned. "Oh, Alexandra, Sue was wondering if you wanted to stop by, Seth has been asking to see you." Charlie yelled out.

Alexandra's mood quickly lightened. Seth was asking for her? She suddenly felt giddy as she ran out to the living room where Charlie was. "Can you take me there now?" She excitedly. He sighed before nodding. "Let me go grab my shoes!" Alexandra sloppily ran up the stares, going into her room and putting her shoes on, almost falling as she hoped around.

She remembered the flower she promised last time and quickly grabbed it. "Coming!" She yelled as she stopped by the kitchen, grabbing the casserole she just put away. "I'll see if they want some!" She told Charlie as she jumped into the car. "You sure are excited to see him." Charlie looked her over. "He's really nice to me." Alexandra smiled as she tapped her foot anxiously.

"Mhm." Charlie pulled away from the house and started the journey to the reservation. As soon as they had arrived there Alexandra was already out of the car and running up to the door. Charlie yelled something out before pulling away, but she didn't care to listen, she was too excited as she knocked. Sue opened the door, a warm smile on her face as she saw the girl. "I brought food!" Alexandra showed her as she walked in.

"Thank god, I didn't know what to make tonight." Sue grinned, not wanting to tell her that they had already eaten. "I also brought your flower, Sue!" She carefully gave the flower to her as the woman led her to the kitchen. "Is Alex here?!" Seth yelled out as he ran into the kitchen. "Hey, Seth!" Alexandra smiled brightly at him as she sat the food down.

Seth quickly walked over, holding back from running, and pulled her into a tight hug. "I missed you." Alexandra's cheeks flushed. "That's very sweet of you, I missed you too." She giggled as she liked the warmth emitting from his body. "Alright, break it up." Leah pulled Seth away from her. "I want a turn." Leah quickly pulled the younger girl in for a hug as Seth glared at his sister. "I brought over a casserole, Charlie and Bella had already gone out to eat and I didn't know, so I made it, but now you can eat it!" She told them with a grin as she pulled back.

"They went out to eat without you?" Leah asked with a frown. "I'm sure they had their reasons, they could have just forgot." Alexandra excused. "Forgot about you?" Leah's frown deepened. Alexandra swallowed the lump in her throat. "I hope you guys like the food! It's a new recipe I learned." Sue had already set out plates on the table for everyone.

"It looks great." Sue kissed her cheek. Alexandra smiled at the small action. Everyone sat down, the three Clearwater's eating while Alexandra anxiously waited for their response. "This tastes really good!" Seth smiled at her, setting his arm on the back of her chair. "Thank you!" After confirmation that it was okay she had started to eat. "How has school been going, Alex?" Sue asked as she smiled at the girl.

"Oh I finished early!" Alexandra told her after chewing the food she had in her mouth. "Oh really? That must be wonderful." Alexandra nodded. "I do get bored being alone in the house though." She thoughtfully spoke. "You're alone during the day?" Seth asked. "Mhm, I usually am most of the time. Charlie works while Bella is at school or with the Cullens, you get used to it." All three of the Clearwaters shared a look that the bubbly girl didn't notice.

"You're always welcomed here, Alex, you know that, right?" Sue asked, concern in her eyes. "Thank you, Sue." Alexandra felt her heart fill with happiness. After they all had finished dinner they had decided to go watch a movie in the living room. Alexandra sat on the floor in front of Seth, sitting in between his legs as he started it braid her hair. "You'll love this movie." Sue assured her as her and Leah grinned at the two.

"I'm sure I will." Seth felt his heart race as he carefully played with her hair, marveled by how kind and beautiful she was. "You're drooling." Leah whispered to Seth as Alexandra seemed engrossed in the movie. "Shut up." Seth whispered back with a glare. It was half way through the movie when Alexandra felt her eyes growing heavy.

She leaned her head against Seth's legs. He continued to play with her hair as he watched the movie, slowly lulling her into sleep. Leah nudged Sue when she noticed Alexandra was asleep by the end of the movie. "I'll call Charlie and tell him she is staying the night." Sue whispered to Leah, getting up to go to the phone. "She can sleep in my room, I'll sleep on the couch tonight." Seth whispered to them as he picked her up carefully.

Seth walked to his room, glad that he had cleaned it the other day. He pulled the covers back, which was a bit of a struggle as he held her, and sat her down. He pulled the blankets over her and she rolled onto her side, getting comfortable. Seth grinned, she was just so cute when she slept. "Stop being a stalker." Leah spoke from the door. "It's my room!" Seth whisper yelled at her in defense.

"Still creepy." Leah then walked away. "Bitch." Seth muttered under his breath. "I heard that!" He heard Leah. "That was my intention." He rolled his eyes as he shut his door silently, walking down to the couch.

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