Chapter two

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Third Person P.O.V

It took three hours for Alexandra to redecorate her room, and she's almost finished. Alexandra smiled as she sat on her bed, holding a pot with a flower in it. There wasn't a lot of light up in the attic, she only had one window, but she could easily keep the Lily alive. "Aren't you a pretty thing? I'm sure you'll grow up to be beautiful." Alexandra spoke to the flower as if it were a child while she sat it on the windowsill.

"It looks nice up here." Charlie hummed as he leaned against the doorframe. "Thank you!" Alexandra smiled happily as she looked around the room. "Your mother told me you're going to do school online?" Alexandra nodded as she walked over to her old bookshelf and started placing her books back on the empty shelves. "Oh well since you're going to be home alone I was wondering if you would want to go over to Billy's and do your work there during the day? I'm sure Bella would come get you after and Billy has been annoying me about seeing you."

Alexandra giggled and she looked over at her father. "I would love to, I haven't seen him for a while." Charlie nodded before he walked out of the room and headed to his room, going to sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.


Soon enough Alexandra finished cleaning her room and she laid down on her bed, looking up at the ceiling. She looked over at the Lily and got up, taking the flower into her hands as she sat back down on her bed. "I'll give you to Billy, as a gift, you'll love him." She lightly touched the petal's with her fingertips, watching as it grew a bit and leaned into her touch. She grinned as she sat the flower back down before heading to Bella's room.

She stood out the door, her hand raised to knock but hesitated when she heard her sister's muffled cries. Alexandra underestimated how much Bella loved Edward, and she realized that right then. She realized how long it will take for Bella to heal, and she realized how much she wanted to kill the guy. She was a very positive person, but if someone hurt her family it was a completely different story.

Alexandra didn't knock and just opened the door, silently closing it behind her. "We don't need to talk." She whispered as she pulled her sister into her arms. "Can you stay in here tonight?" Bella's quivering voice whispered as she held onto Alexandra like she was her life line, and right at that moment she was. "Of course, it'll be like a little sleepover." Alexandra joked, earning a small laugh from Bella.

"Go to sleep, you have school tomorrow and you need to be energized." Alexandra ordered in a motherly way. "I'm older than you, shouldn't I be the one telling you that?" Bella joked halfheartedly. "Whatever." Alexandra smiled. Bella tried to resist going to sleep, not wanting to be pulled into the nightmares, but she soon failed as she found her eyes getting heavier and heavier. Alexandra watched as Bella's breathing evened out, she knew she was asleep.

Alexandra sighed as she started to worry for her sister, Charlie had told her that it was bad, but she didn't expect it to be like this. Alexandra knew that right now Bella just needed someone to be there, not someone to try to push her to get over it. So that's what Alexandra planned to be for her, a rock she can rest on.

Soon enough she found herself getting lured into sleep too. She didn't try to resist, she fell asleep happily as her worries gradually left her mind.


Alexandra was waken up by Bella thrashing around in the bed. Wasting no time, Alexandra shook her sister, trying to wake her up. "Bella! Bella wake up, it's just a nightmare!" She whisper yelled, not wanting to wake up their father. Bella quickly sat up her eyes wide and tears spilling down her face. Alexandra quickly pulled the frantic girl into her arms, rubbing her back as she let her cry.

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