Chapter Eleven

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Third Person P.O.V

Alexandra woke up to a particularly big bump in the road. "So I'm guessing you didn't rent this car?" Bella asked as she held on. "I figured you wouldn't be opposed to grant theft auto." Alice told her before putting her eyes back on the road. "Not today." Alice was pulled into another vision while Alexandra rubbed her eyes, leaning forward. "What? What do you see?" Bella recognized the look on her face.

"They refused him!" Alice's tone was full of worry and fear. "So?.." Bella motioned for her to elaborate. "He's going to make a scene, show himself to the humans." Alexandra still wasn't caught up on the Voultri, but she knew that showing themselves is against their vampy law. "No! When?" Alice glanced back in front of her so she didn't crash the car. "He's going to wait until noon, when the sun is at it's highest." Bella started panicking more as her grip tightened.

"God, Alice you got to hurry up." Alice looked out the window pointing at a town. "There's Volterra." Alexandra held Bella's hand, letting her squeeze it as she tried to calm her down. They drove through the streets as fast as Alice was allowed, honking at the people in red coats to get out of their way as she drove. "Why are they all in red?" Bella let go of Alexandra's hand to grip her hair.

"St. Marcus Day Festival, they're celebrating the expulsion of vampires in their city, it's the perfect setting. The Voultri will never let him get far enough to reveal himself." Bella looked over at the clock. "Five minutes." Alexandra hugged Bella from behind. "We know, Bella, just breathe." She shushed her as she could hear her racing heart from right behind her. Some cops had stopped them from going any farther, Bella climbing out of the car with Alexandra. "Bella, you're the only one he can't see coming. If I go he'll read my thoughts, he'll think I'm lying. He'll rush into it." She explained as a cop knocked on the window.

"Where do I go?" Alexandra took the front seat, knowing he would be able to read her thoughts if she went. "Under the clock tower, go!" Bella slammed the door shut before she sprinted off. "For Bella's sake, I hope she makes. And so I can beat the shit out of both of you." Alexandra glared at Slice as she pulled back, going to park the car. "Look, I understand you're pissed off at us, you have every right, but right now isn't the time." Alice told her as she parked the car in an alleyway, both of them getting out.

Alice was pulled into a vision, a smile gracing her face. "She made it." The smile disappeared when she saw the rest of the vision. "We're going to need you later on, but you have to be respectful, they can easily kill you. Now hold onto me, I can run us there." Alexandra flinched at how cold Alice us when she picked her up. Alice used her speed to get to the locked door, standing under the small bit of shade. She grabbed the handle and pushed the door open, breaking the lock.

"Come on, guys." Alice took off her scarf and sunglasses. "It's a festival, you wouldn't want to make a scene." Alexandra ignored the other vampires and pulled Bella into her arms. "Are you alright?" Bella nodded as Alexandra let her go, her fiery gaze turning to Edward. "You." She spat out Bella giving Alexandra a look. "Please, we can do this later." Alexandra kept her glare on Edward. "We wouldn't." The taller one gave Alice a sarcastic smile.

"Enough." Alexandra looked over at the girl who walked up to them, she seemed a few years younger than Alexandra. "Jane." Edward bowed his head slightly. "Aro sent me to see what's taking so long." She looked over at the two other guards before looking back at the other four. She turned around and started walking away, already knowing that they would follow.

Edward walked forward, Bella holding his hand as she walked behind him. "Just do as she says." Alice whispered to the two girls. "And why should I? Edward got us in this mess!" Alexandra refused to move, but Alice grabbed her arm, pulling her along. The two guards followed right next to Alice and Alexandra. "What did I tell you before?" Alice asked as she sent a small glare at the younger Swan.

"I'm not taking orders from someone who left my sister unemotionally stable just as much as her stupid brother did. Get your hands off me before I have them torn off." Alexandra stopped walked, small vines cracking through the floor. "Keep in your place, remember that you left her too, you don't get to come back so easily." She seethed as she started walking again, the vines slipping back into the ground.

They came to some stairs, Jane going down the first small set, motioning for them to go before her. "Go ahead." She walked behind Edward and Bella, Alice next to Alexandra and the two guards still behind them. "Bella." Alexandra moved in front of Jane and hurried down the steps to her sister. "Not right now, Lexi." Bella told her, making her stop walking once again as she balled her hands up.

"Don't be scared." Edward told Bella while Jane walked past Alexandra, who fell back behind again. "I'm not." Alexandra glared at Edward. "Not right now, Lexi." Alexandra mocked Bella's voice low enough so Bella didn't hear, but the others did. "Remember what I told you." She then mocked Alice's voice. "Bossing me around like a fucking kid." She mumbled as she waited to go into the elevator.

Alexandra stood right next to Jane, her arms crossed as her hands gripped them, her knuckles turning white. Alexandra walked out after Jane, letting herself slip back gradually. A woman at a desk stood up and greeted them in Italian. Alexandra stared at the woman as they walked past, wondering why she was human. "Is she human?" Bella asked Edward after the lady was out of sight.

"Yes." Edward confirmed. "Does she know?" Edward gave her the same answer. "Then, why would..." Bella realized and stopped her sentence. "She wants to be." The guard on Alexandra's left spoke. "And so she will be." Alexandra glanced over at him, before turning her gaze to her feet. "Or dessert." Jane added. "Gross." Alexandra frowned in disgust while the same one who spoke gave her a tiny, creepy, grin.

"Don't do that." Alexandra sent him a small glare. Jane pulled open two, heavy looking, doors effortlessly, the kings sitting on their thrones. "Sister, they send you out to bring back one, and you bring two, and two humans. Such a clever girl." A boy Jane's age praised. "What a happy surprise!" Alexandra frowned as she saw how many vampires were in the room. She moved and stood next to Bella protectively, eyeing the kings.

"Bella is alive after all!" The king that sat in the middle got up and walked over to them with a smile on his face, his hands clasped together in front of him. "Isn't that wonderful? I love a happy ending." The man grabbed Edward's hand from Bella, who gasped. Bella then grabbed onto Alexandra's, needing to hold onto someone's hand. "They are so rare." Alexandra frowned.

The man gasped and spoke in Italian, staring straight into Edward's eyes as he used his gift. He glanced over at Bella. "Her blood appeals to you so much, it makes me thirsty." Alexandra narrowed her eyes as she moved to stand in front of Bella more. "How can you stand to be so close to her?" Alexandra's frown deepened at Edward's response. "It's not without difficulty." He had removed any emotion from his face.

"Yes, I can see that." The man chuckled. "Aro can read every thought I've ever had with one touch." Alexandra looked down at their hands, studying it before looking back up at them. "And now you know everything." Edward spoke this part to Aro. "So get on with it." Aro stared at him in shock before it turned into a smile. "You're quite a souls read yourself, Edward." Aro turned his gaze back onto Bella, looking behind Alexandra.

"Though, you can't read Bella's thoughts. Fascinating." Alexandra could feel her heart beat increase slightly as her worry for her sister was skyrocketing. Aro took a few steps back from them. "I would love to see if you are an exception to my gifts as well. Would you do me the honor?" Alexandra grabbed onto Bella. "No!" Alexandra was pulled back by the short guard. She focused on Aro and watched as vines snaked around his body, tightening as much as they could.

"Bella, don't, listen to me for one second!" Alexandra struggled against the vampire's gift. "Alexandra, it's fine." Bella tried to calm her down. "It is not fine! They are vampires, we are human! They eat us!" Alexandra glared at her sister. "You're being stupid, why can't you ever just listen?" Bella sent a glare back at her sister. "How interesting." Aro looked down at the vines before he broke out of them.

"Jake was right, we should've kept you home. I should've tied you down to your bed!" Alexandra kept thrashing against the vampire. "Stay out of this, Alexandra." Bella turned around and walked over, hesitantly putting her hand into Aro's.

"First you leave her in the woods and now you're going to let her die?"

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