Chapter Fourteen

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Third Person P.O.V

Alexandra woke up around sometime in the afternoon to Charlie tapping her forehead gently. "Hey." Charlie sat down on the bed next to her. Alexandra groaned as she sat up, rubbing her eyes. "You came in pretty late last night, I thought I heard you crying." Alexandra looked down. "Bella just said something, that's all." Charlie frowned. "What did she say to you?" Alexandra looked up, smiling at him. "It's fine, doesn't matter now." Charlie nodded.

"May I go see the Clearwaters? I want to bake them some cookies and give them a plant." Charlie nodded. "After that you're grounded, unless you're hanging out with them, okay? It'll be good for you to have social interaction with others that aren't just me and Bella." Alexandra nodded. "Okay." Right before Charlie could get up, Alexandra had grabbed his hand. "You think of me as your daughter, right?" Charlie sat back down.

"Of course I do, Alexandra. Did Bella say you weren't apart of the family?" Alexandra quickly shook her head. "No! I just had a bad dream, that's all." Charlie pulled her in for a hug. "You will always be apart of this family." Charlie let go of her and stood up. "Why don't you go shower and then bring those cookies to Sue." Alexandra gave him a small smile and a thumbs up before he went down the latter.
She lifted her shirt slightly to see her side bruised.

"Great." She got up and grabbed some clothes, going down the steps and getting in the shower. After she had gotten ready she went downstairs and started a batch of cookies, helping distract her mind. She put them in the oven once they were done and walked out to the living room where Charlie was. "I'll drive you over there, then I have to do some quick errands, so I'll pick you up when those are done." He told her as she turned the game to a show that they both liked.

" He told her as she turned the game to a show that they both liked

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(Her outfit)

Once the cookies had been taken out and cooled off, she put them into a container and slipped on some shoes. The car ride was silent as Alexandra munched on one of the cookies, giving Charlie one before she had to go. "I'll be back soon." He told her from his rolled down window and then drove away. Alexandra walked up to the door and knocked, hearing someone coming to answer it.

A boy her age opened the door, his eyes locking onto hers. "Hello, I'm Charlie's daughter, Alexandra. I've brought cookies and my condolences for Harry Clearwater." The boy stared at her in shock before Sue came over. "Alexandra, I haven't seen you in forever!" Sue smiled at the girl. "Sue, it's wonderful to see you again." Alexandra winced slightly when Sue pulled her in for a hug, but hid it well.

"Come on in, Sweetie. Seth, go get Leah." Seth smiled at Alexandra before reluctantly running into the house. Alexandra secretly admired the name while Sue lead her into the living room. "I come bearing cookies, they're still warm." Alexandra handed the container to Sue. "Oh thank you, you didn't have to do that." Alexandra smiled.

"It's the least I can do. I just want to say sorry for your loss, Harry was a very good man, and I'm here if you need me." Sue's eyes started to water a bit as she pulled Alexandra in for another hug. "You are so sweet, Alexandra." Alexandra squeezed her eyes shut as Sue's arm was touching her side as she hugged her tightly. "I just have good manners." Alexandra pulled back, letting out a small breath of relief.

Leah and Seth came into the room just as the two pulled apart. "Leah, you remember Alexandra, Charlie's daughter, right?" Leah smiled at the younger girl. "Yeah, her and Seth used to have play dates." Leah pulled the younger girl into a hug. "It's nice seeing you." Leah whispered to her. "The pleasure is all mine." Alexandra pulled back.

Seth pulled her in for a hug next, Alexandra's eyes widening at how tight he held her. She tried not to seem too uncomfortable as she hugged him back. "Charlie won't be back for a little while to pick me up, is it alright if I stay here with you?" She asked Sue. "Of course! Take your jacket off and just sit it on the couch, I'll go put some of these delicious cookies on a plate." Alexandra nodded, taking off her jacket and setting it down.

She stretched out her arms, but stopped when Leah and Seth immediately gave her a look. "What?" She looked over at them in confusion. "Alex, what happened to your side?" Leah asked again as she gave the girl a knowing look. "Oh, I, uh fell the other day." She casted her eyes down to the floor. "It's nothing." Seth spoke next. "It didn't look like nothing, Alex." Alexandra sighed.

Right before she could answer, Sam walked into the home. "Sue, I'm here!" Sam stopped when he saw Alexandra in the living room. "Hey, Sam." Sam smiled. "Hey, Alexandra, did you and Bella get back okay?" Alexandra sent a glance to Leah and Seth before looking back over at him. "Yeah, there were a few complications over there, but I handled it. You should've seen it, I did amazing."

Sam grinned at her. "I'm sure you did." Leah glared at Sam. "Yeah, except her whole side is hurting her." Seth showed slight anger and a lot of concern. "Hey!" Alexandra smacked the back of his head. "It's nothing, Carlisle already said so." Sam sighed. "I guess that happens when you go with vampires." Alexandra's eyes widened as she looked over at Seth and Leah. "Don't worry, they already know." Alexandra calmed down slightly.

Sam looked over at Seth's reaction, pulling him out of the room while Sue walked back in. "Sit down with me, catch me up on everything." Alexandra sat down, taking a cookie while Sue did the same. "Well, I've gotten more into nature and-" Her eyes widened when she realized what she forgot. "I'm so sorry, I meant to bring you over a rose, it completely slipped my mind, Sue." Sue gave her a grin.

"Well, it just gives us another reason for you to come back." Seth bounced back into the room with Leah and Sam right behind him. "Alex, do you want to come to Emily's with us?" Alexandra looked over at Sue. "Go on and go, I'll tell Charlie you went out with them." Alexandra smiled and pulled the older woman into a hug. "I'll be back with the flower, I promise!" She yelled out before walking out the house.

"So are we walking all the way there? How far is it?" Alexandra asked while they got into the woods. "Wait here." Sam told her before they all walked behind different trees. "Okay then." Alexandra looked around frowning as she rocked back and forth on her heels. A minute or two later three huge wolves walked towards her, startling her for a second. "You never said they were wolves, you just said they knew." Alexandra looked over at the two wolves.

"Your fur is so pretty." She pet Seth's side, amazed on how soft his fur was. Seth looked over at Sam before laying on the ground. "I don't get it." Alexandra looked up at Sam and Leah before she made an "o" with her mouth. "I get it now." She carefully climbed onto his back, hugging his body so she didn't fall off, vines securing her onto him. "Ready t0 g-" Alexandra was cut off by Seth taking off.

She hid her face in his fur, welcoming the heat from his body as the wind rushed past. She peeked back up a minute later to see that they were there and were just waiting for Alexandra to get off. "Oh, right." The vines that were wrapped around her waist pulled her off, setting her down on the ground. "Bye." She didn't wait for them before she ran up to the door.


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