Chapter 24: Exclusive

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I head to my date with Natalie, which I'm less than excited about. I dislike Natalie even more after the way she spoke to Brandy. That whole evening made me so uncomfortable in general, but I especially hated the way she talked to her.

We are meeting at a fancy restaurant for dinner, of course. Each date is specifically planned by Mother, who, for some reason thinks she knows anything about dating in this century. I know that if I was out with Brandy, we'd find something fun to do. I wouldn't have to dress up in a suit just to sit down and eat with her.

"Hi!" Natalie greets me as she leans in for a hug. She kisses my cheek and I wipe her kiss off when turns away.

"Let's order," I sigh, my eyes scanning the ridiculously small menu.

Her eyes look up from her menu and stares at me. "You're mad," she notices.

"No, I'm not," I say, not looking up at her. "Let's just order and then I'll take you home."

"Benji... if you don't want to be here, you should leave," she says. "I don't want to be with anyone who doesn't want to be with me. I just thought—. I just thought you liked me too."

I finally look up. "Why do you like me?" I ask earnestly.

She shrugs with a smile on her face. "You're sweet," she tells me. "And hot." She laughs. "You have this potential in you that I don't think people quite see."

"Potential?" I laugh. "Yeah, the potential to fuck up."

"No," she laughs along. "You have the potential to be anyone you want. You know what you want, and you know how to get it. I think that's admirable."

I smile. "You don't even know me, Natalie. We've been out... all but five times?"

She turns away shyly like she's keeping quiet about something.

"What?" I ask confused.

"This is embarrassing," she chuckles. "I... I kind of stalked you in high school."


"What do you mean you stalked me? Like you followed me around?" I ask, suspicious of her.

"Well, no. I'm not creepy, I swear. I had friends who went to your high school and I asked them to keep an eye out on you. They would tell me everything about you--from your romances to your parties. Though it's weird, I know a lot more about you than you think."

"My romances?" I clarify. "I didn't have any romances."

"Okay, well, your hookups."

"So when we met... you just pretended you've never seen or talked about me before?" This is getting stranger and stranger.

She tries to speak but just ends up laughing. "Don't hate me. I just really, really liked you. You're the Benji Cruz. I didn't want to mess anything up."

I chuckle. "I guess that's sort of sweet in a really weird way," I tell her. "I never knew I had fans."

"Trust me..." she says. "You have more than you think."

"Yeah?" I laugh. "Like who?"

She chuckles. "Like your roommate? What's her name? Brandy?"

"Oh," I sigh. "I wouldn't say she's my fan. She's my friend—my best friend, really."

"Yeah, about that... I'm still not comfortable with you living with her. I seriously think you should consider moving out. You know, before she makes a move on you."

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