Chapter 68: Discover

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Fifteen years — that's how long Steven's sentence is. Benji and I were shocked, we thought it would have been longer. He might get out early on good behaviour, but knowing Steven Cruz, that won't happen. Then again, manipulating other people into getting what he wants is his specialty. 

I feel strange heading into my internship at Cruz Enterprises when Steven isn't there anymore. The entire company is finding someone to take over while Steven is in prison. They are considering shutting the entire company down altogether because of his reputation — no one really wants to do business with a criminal.

While it's still open, I go to work there. I could use a reference for after I graduate. I know it's not for another three years but I like to plan ahead.

There are only a few weeks left until the end of this school year, which is sort of insane. I have no idea how one year ago I was a lost little bird with no sense of direction. Here I am one year later, and so much has happened since then. I have a great internship, new friends, new experiences, and I've even had freaking sex... more than a few times now.

Benji and I have been 'practicing.' He wants to understand what I like, what I don't. To be honest, I'm still trying to understand. Sometimes I still can't believe I've had sex when my whole life, it was just some concept I never understood.

After class with Becca, I approach her at her desk, something on my mind. She glances at me and a smile curls up on her face. I hardly ever see her smile.

"Miss Bright." She nods. "How are you holding up? How is Benji?"

I assume she's referring to Steven's arrest and sentence. "I'm well," I respond, following with a shrug. "Benji is... hard to read. He says he's fine but I think the whole situation is overwhelming."

"I can imagine," she sighs. "It's a tough thing, isn't it? It can't be easy for him at all."

"He and his mother are on good terms now."

"Were they not before?"

"Not exactly," I mutter. "He still hasn't seen his father since he's been arrested. I know I can't force him to go but... I mean, what do you think?" I ask her. "Even though Steven has been a horrible father, shouldn't Benji visit him once?"

She sighs again. "This really isn't my place, Miss Bright."

"Please," I quietly beg. "I'm so conflicted right now. I just don't want Benji to regret anything."

"Well, he does have fifteen years to visit him. I don't think he's on a time crunch if you ask me."

"I know," I say. "But doesn't he deserve closure? Benji, not Steven."

"Brandy," she says, sitting down on her desk, crossing her leg over the other. "It is very easy to believe you know what's best for a person when that person is not you. It's a natural instinct for us to have someone we love's best interest at heart. But the person we are looking out for is not always going to be where we are at. In fact, they usually are not. He's grieving, I think. He's lost somebody he's always had, even if it's someone he's never loved. It's a big change in his life. When he's ready to get that closure you speak of, I believe he will in his own time."

"Thank you, Becca. As always, you know what to say," I tell her, sincerity in my voice.

She smiles again. "You are absolutely welcome."

I head to the mall, where I meet Hellen, who is sitting on one of the couches with a soda in her hand. We hug and she wraps her arm around my shoulder as we walk around the mall. I hardly shop with Hellen, she isn't interested in much. The only things she will buy are skateboards, beanies, jeans, stickers, and food. And maybe some jewelry.

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