Chapter 35: Für Elise

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"How does this look on me? Should I get it, Ben?" Natalie asks me as she looks in the Bloomingdales mirror.

"Benji," I correct her. "I hate that name—Ben."

"Really? I like it." She admits. "It's cute."

"It's one hundred percent not cute," I disagree.

"I'll wear it on your birthday. I can't wait for the party, I just know Emily has something wonderful planned. She really is a great party planner, isn't she?"

My birthday is in a week, and it's a celebration my mother takes way too seriously. She likes to make it seem like I just graduated medical school or I just got married. I never cared for my birthday. I don't even like my birthday.

"I don't know but there isn't a party this year." I break the bad news. "I don't want one, anyway."

"But you're turning nineteen." She frowns. "How could you not celebrate something like that? It's a big deal."

I was planning on celebrating with Brandy—just Brandy. I was hoping to finally have the birthday I've always wanted; something small and private. I hate having a bunch of people I don't know over ag my house or whatever venue Mom has picked out. She makes it look like it's all a big gift and party for me, but really she's just doing it for herself.

"Benji, you have to have a party," she insists. "It will be your first birthday with a real date—a real girlfriend. I want to celebrate it with you." She smiles. "And maybe give you my own special gift." She smirks, walking back into the change room.

My eyes widen when I realize what she means and mutter shit underneath my breath. I'm not even supposed to be here with Natalie. I promised Brandy that I would break things off with her, but when Dad told me what's at stake, I couldn't do it. I can't do it. I can't be held responsible for ruining my family. In my life, I've already done enough damage. I don't need to add this to my list.

As we walk through the mall, Natalie forces our hands together, making it look like we're anything more than a fake couple. She goes on and on about her favourite boutiques and my birthday party that hasn't even happened yet.

I spot Shawn walking in the other direction and we accidentally make eye contact. I realize that there is no other choice but to say hello and acknowledge each other in one way or another.

"Starboy!" Shawn shouts loudly but happily. "How the hell are you?"

"I'm good, man," I say, hoping he won't notice Natalie. But what are the chances of that? She's literally standing right beside me.

"I'm Natalie," she introduces herself.

"Uhh..." Shawn says, probably confused to see me with another girl. The last time I saw him I was with Brandy. I still am, but he's probably still confused. "Shawn," he says.

They briefly shake hands and I hope this awkwardness will end soon. "I'm going to go to Victoria's Secret. Come find me in five?" Natalie says as she walks off and smiles at Shawn.

"Damn," Shawn says, inhaling sharply. "Is that your new girl? She is mighty fine."

I sigh. "Yeah. I guess she is."

"What happened to Brandy? I thought you two were going strong."

I hadn't prepared to explain this to anyone because the situation itself is so ridiculous. I don't even know what lie to say. "We're... taking a break," I lie. "Please don't, uh... please don't mention this to Brandy."

"No problem, brother," he says and I feel relief. "I totally feel ya. But who is that girl? She is-"

"Yeah, I know. You said that. Her name is Natalie Marshall. Her father is like, a billionaire." I explain. "She does to Yale."

"Damn," he says again. "Are you two like, serious?"

I can tell how interested Shawn is in Natalie and I see it working to my advantage. Maybe I can somehow set up Natalie and Shawn, making her want to dump me for him.

"No," I say, scoffing. "No, not at all. If you want... you can make a move."

"No way." He chuckles. "Not when she's your girl. I'm not that kind of guy."

"Don't even worry about it," I say. "You can have her."

"I don't even know her." He gushes. "There's no way she would go for me."

"Have some confidence, man." I support him. "Hey, look..." I whisper. "I'm having a birthday thing this week. Come by and get to know her then. How does that sound?"

He exhales loudly. "Are you sure, Starboy? I mean, she's your girl."

"Like I said, Shawn. Don't worry about it." I smile and lightly punch his arm.

I drop off Natalie at her penthouse after our painfully long shopping spree. Her house is nice, it's even bigger than mine. I really hate her family but I've got to admit, the Marshalls have style.

"Out of all the dresses I bought today, which is your favourite?" She asks, taking each individual dress out of their tiny bags and laying them down on the couch. "I like the red one. I think red is my colour, don't you?"

I shrug, wandering around her living room. I approach the piano and press a few random keys. "Red is good."

She smiles. "Do you play?"

I shake my head. "Not anymore. I quit when I was a kid."

"You look like you play the piano." She chuckles. "You look like you know how to use your hands well."

I laugh, weirded out by what she had said. I ignore her and continue to press some keys, creating a melody.

"Did you think about what I said at The Met? About doing what you want. I remember you said you liked art." She recalls.

"I actually forgot about that." I chuckle. "No, I've just been busy lately. Haven't had any time to think about that stuff."

"Have you had time to think about me?" She flirts, sitting beside me.

"Sure." I shrug. "I hadn't have much a choice," I mumble.

"And Brandy? I can't believe she punched me." She scoffs. "If I didn't have class I would have smacked the hell out of her."

"She told me you said some shit to provoke her." I raise my eyebrow. Of course, Brandy told me exactly what she said, but I want to hear her say it.

"I didn't say anything that wasn't true," she answers vaguely.  "I can't believe you're still living with that psycho," she says. 

"That psycho is my best friend," I remind her. "I don't want to hurt you, Natalie, but you need to accept that she's my best friend."   

She rolls her eyes. "You're so frustrating," she tells me. "If I didn't like you so much, I wouldn't put up with this."

"Oh?" I say, looking for ideas to get her to dump me. "What... would would push you over the edge? What would make you break up with me?" I laugh to make it sound like it's a casual conversation.

She shrugs, smiling. "Maybe if there was someone better for me," she jokes as she starts playing Für Elise.

I smile to myself, realizing that my plan to set up Natalie and Shawn might actually work. I just have to do it without Brandy find out I'm still seeing Natalie behind her back. I'm not doing it to hurt her, I'm doing it to protect my family. Better yet, I'm doing it to protect myself—and I have to look out for myself.

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