Chapter 53: All Too Familiar

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The last two weeks of school and work has been good. Everything is falling into place and I can hardly believe how picture-perfect my life has been. My grades are superb, my boyfriend is wonderful and my friends are back in my life. And of course, my internship has been going well.

Just a few months ago everything was so different. The present events going on in my life didn't seem possible then. And at the time, everything I have now seemed impossible — until it isn't. I opened my eyes after closing them for so long and saw a new life in front of me. Just when did that happen?  

It stopped snowing today and started snowing. The streets are covered in grey slush and the sky is filled with dark, frightening clouds. If you took away my memory and asked me what month it is, I would have no idea.

I juggle my books and coffees in my hands as I make my way home. Benji is sick today so I'm bringing him a cup of coffee, along with a few croissants. In all of the years I've known Benji, I've very rarely seen him sick. I've seen him throw up from drinking too much and completely nauseous and tired from a hangover, but a cold was rare.

I finally get home and find him laying on the couch like a dog. His eyes are closed and he appears to be asleep. I realize I don't want to wake him so I leave the coffee and pastries on the island, and slowly make my way to my room and close the door.

Just when I think I did a great job of not waking him, I hear his phone ring through the other side of the wall. I sigh and head back out, realizing he is too tired to get it himself.

"Is that my phone?" He mumbles, still half asleep.

"Do you want me to get it?" I ask as I hold it up. "It's your dad."

He sighs and his head falls back onto the couch. "I'm on a twenty-four-seven shift with that man. I'll take the call," he insists as he weakly reaches out his hand. I pass him the phone and he flips it open.

I drown out their conversation as I quietly sip my coffee and start eating my late breakfast. After the call ends, he groans and covers his head with a pillow. "I hate my life," he mumbles. "Why can't I just be sick? Is that not a good enough excuse?" He talks to himself.

"What's wrong?" I wonder as I pass him his food and coffee cup.

"My parents are forcing me to go to one of their 'gatherings' later today. My dad is inviting his tennis buddies and my delusional mother is inviting her airhead friends from her social society," he explains. "I told them I'm sick but did they care?" He laughs. "Of course not. That's just Steven and Emily for you." 

"Why do you have to go?"

"They want me to be involved in their pathetic lives. You see, they don't give a shit about me behind the scenes but when people are watching then they act like I'm a son that they love and respect."

"Aren't you used to these things? You've been going to Steven and Emily's parties your whole life. Just zone out and fake a smile," I suggest.

"It's different now," he says. "I'm nineteen, I'm living on my own, and I'm in college. I shouldn't have to put up with this anymore."

I chuckle. "But you're still going anyway, aren't you?"

He laughs. "It appears I have no choice," he says. "Hey, why don't you come with me?" He asks. "You used to come with me all the time, remember? To keep me company?"

"True, but that was before... you know."

"Before?" He waits for my answer.

"Before we were together. We used to go as friends, back when what we had was innocent. If we go anywhere together now, it's a statement — and you said yourself you aren't ready to tell your parents about us."

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