Chapter 41: Rainbow Lens

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I know Jack, Brandy's father, doesn't like me. He had made it crystal clear that he disapproves of me and believes that there is someone better out there for Brandy. I used to dispise him for it. I used to ask myself, what would give him the idea that I'm bad for Brandy? He doesn't even know me.

Lately, I see his point of view. I am trying, however. I want to be good for her and bring her happiness. I'm working really hard on myself so that one day, if I'm lucky, I might be someone Jack respects and someone that he is happy is with his daughter.

I arrive at the restaurant right on time, and look around in search of Jack. I approach the hostess and tell her Jack's name and the reservation time. She brings me to the table by the window and I sit patiently for him. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I have never been alone with Jack other than that one time right before Brandy moved in with me.

Finally, I watch him walk to my table and straighten my posture. I stand up and shake his hand.

"Hi, Mr. Bright," I say politely. "It's nice to see you again."

"Yeah, you too," he mumbles as he sits down.

"How have you been?" I make small talk.

He sighs. "I've been working loads so I'm exhausted these days," he admits. "Today was my only day off in weeks but... here we are."

I clear my throat. "I'm sorry for wasting your Tuesday," I say lowly. "I know you would rather be with Brandy or at home. Or preferably with Brandy at home."

"That pretty much sums it up," he agrees. "But I promised Brandy I would be here and I also promised her I would be nice. How would you say I'm doing?"

I chuckle. "Great," I lie. "I'm glad you're here. I feel like after all these years, we haven't gotten to know each other. Like, at all."

"Yeah, why is it we're meeting now? What, are you two dating or something?"

I look skeptical. "What did Brandy say?"

"She seems unsure, to be honest. All I know is that she talks about you non-stop, kid. It's kind of annoying, actually."

I laugh. "Well, I don't know what she's told you, Sir, but Brandy and I are together. She has really changed my life. I'm lucky to know her."

"Uh huh," he mutters. "So how does that work? You two living together? And now you're dating? I don't know if I like that—not that it matters what I think. Brandy is a smart girl. She is capable of making her own decisions."

I sigh. "Well, Sir, I don't think it's changed much, really."

"You're not hurting her, are you? Abusing your power?"

"Power?" I repeat, confused by his choice of words. "I'm not sure what kind of power you think I have, Sir, but I can assure you I don't have any. Not any over Brandy, anyway."

"I mean... she looks up to you," he starts. "And Brandy likes to see the good in people. Her mother always said that she had a good heart but that she was naive. If you tell her to do something..." he sighs. "She'll do whatever it is to keep up with you, you know? That's just the kind of girl that she is."

"I know," I answer. "But I promise you that I'm not forcing her to do anything. I don't drag her into anything illegal or questionable."

"Illegal?" He ponders. "W-what kind of illegal things?"


"I didn't mean—" I lose track of my words. "I don't know what kind of things. I don't partake in any drugs or alcohol," I lie. "And if I did, I would never bring Brandy into that."

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