Chapter 63: Fight Club

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The apartment is small. Sometimes when I feel like sleeping in my own bed all by myself, at least I have that option. But since there is only room for one bed because there is only one bedroom, Benji and I are going to be sharing a bed every single night. 

But I feel comforted. I feel like we've never been this close before. When I look at Benji, all I want to do is be even closer to him. I want to hold him, protect him and have him protect me. I want the rest of the world to disappear so that we can be alone together.

I'm happier than I've been in so long. Moving out of 11B wasn't easy at first but now I can't even remember what life was like before we moved into the new place. At least we have a nice view, a cozy wood fireplace and a place to call our own. I'm grateful if anything.

My schedule is packed for today. I have two morning classes and then a four-hour shift at Joey's. I got my first paycheck yesterday, which made me feel like a real adult because that money isn't going to be put toward a new pair of shoes or a skateboard — it's going toward rent and bills.

Benji and I grab dinner together at a Thai restaurant in a busier part of town. Friday nights are always really busy for restaurants, especially in New York. We take a walk around Central Park, something we never really do. As much as I like Central Park, a part of me doesn't like it because of how many tourists are always going there. That's also the reason I avoid places like Times Square — it's way too touristy.

And then just like that, my point is proven as to why I never come to Central Park. I always see somebody that I know, and in this case, it was the worst-case scenario possible: Steven and Emily Cruz. Neither Benji nor I have seen either of them since... well since we were kicked out of our place.

There they are, linked by their arms, walking around like they aren't two villains from a comic book. I'm starting to wonder how they manage to fool just about everyone that they are actually good people with good intentions. I can't believe I ever looked up to them. Furthermore, I can't believe I ever wanted parents like them.

Inevitably, they walk up to us and Benji starts to walk faster. "We have to face them at one point or another. Let's just get this over with," I suggest.

He sighs. "I hate them," he mumbles.

"Me too," I whisper as they finally approach us, standing just a few short feet away from us.

"Benji... Brandy. How are you two?" Emily asks with a forced smile on her face.

"Fine, thanks," I mutter. Benji looks away and doesn't say a thing.

"Did you two manage to find a nice place?" She continues.

I nod. "We did." I just want to keep this short and as sweet as I can. The longer I look at them, the more I want to shout in their faces. 

She nods awkwardly.

"Just because you aren't living off of us doesn't mean you can skip school, Benji," Steven cuts in. "Your school sent me an email of your absence. You've missed a whole week of school?"

Benji finally shoots his eyes up at Steven. "What does it matter to you?"

Steven scoffs. "You're still my son, Benji. And I won't let you slack off just because of some mishap we've been having. You need to get your ass back in school, starting tomorrow. I mean it."

Benji laughs. "Your son? Is that what you're calling me now? Riddle me this, Dad. Who kicks their son out of his home with a week's notice, leaving the burden of the message to the maid? And on the topic of school, I don't have to listen to anything you say. I'm dropping out. I've already sent an email to the school, it takes a few days to process."

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