Chapter 47: Drinking Games

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Nineteen. That is crazy.

When I was a kid, I always thought nineteen was such a big number and that I would never reach it, but here I am. In some countries, I can legally drink. Oh well, I will just have to illegally drink, then.

I shower, get changed and head into the kitchen, where I expected Benji to be but he isn't. We both fell asleep in my bed last night but when I woke up, he wasn't there either. I text him and ask him where he is. While I wait, I make some coffee and feel slightly sad that I woke up alone.

I decide to enjoy my morning anyhow and watch Seinfeld. The door suddenly unlocks and I turn around to watch Benji come inside. He looks cold and damp like he had been out in the snow for too long. In his hands, he holds a coffee tray and a few bags that are filled with food, I'm assuming.

"Babe, you're freezing!" I say as I run up to him.

"Happy birthday," he says as he passes me the food and caffeine. He removes his shoes and coat as he attempts to warm up in the apartment.

"Have you been up long?" He asks.

"About a half-hour," I reply.

"Shit, I'm sorry I'm late. I didn't think you'd be up yet," he explains.

"I'm an early riser, you know that." I smile. "Nevermind that, come in and get warm." We sit on the couch and sip hot coffees and nibble on our muffins. "These are from Jams..." I notice.

He nods in response.

"Jams is on the other side of town," I say. "Please tell me Andrew drove you."

"Andrew has today off," he says. "Boxing Day."

"So you walked?" My jaw drops.

"A bit. I took the train," he says.

"You crazy, amazing boy." I laugh. "You didn't have to do this. I would have been just as happy with a crappy cup of coffee from that place down the street."

He scoffs playfully. "It's your birthday!" He reminds me, shoving me a bit. "I can't let you settle for a bad cup of coffee. I know how much you love Jams."

I smile at him. "Thank you."

I specifically told Benji that I want today to be on the casual side and that I don't want anything big or exciting. I am perfectly happy spending the day inside with him, watching movies and talking. We have dinner at my dad's tonight, which I was excited about until yesterday. I haven't spoken to him since our fight.

My phone suddenly beeps and I check my text, which is, coincidentally, from Dad.

"Happy Birthday, Brands. Can't wait 2 see you tonight! Love you always.

- Dad"

"Who's that?" Benji asks me.

I sigh. "My dad."

"Don't worry, B. Everything will be fine," he assures me. "Just think positive. For example, I bought you something." He gets up and pulls out a secret present he had hidden behind the couch.

"I hate how much you spoil me." I blush. "It's too much."

"Stop complaining." He smirks. "Open it."

I sigh, following with a laugh. "What is this?" I ask as I finally finish unwrapping it.

"A dress?" I say. I lay it flat so that I can get a good look at it. I laugh when I realize how beautiful it is and how incredibly blessed I am to have a boyfriend with sensational taste.

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