Chapter 36: Blue Dress

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I wake up in bed with Benji by my side and smile when I see him, still fast asleep. We watched three movies in the theatre last night, so we were pretty tired. My eyes were strained but it was nice to be out with him.

I get up and brush my teeth before I fix up my hair and wash my face. When I leave the bathroom, he's still sleeping like a baby.

I pour us some hot coffee and whip up some French toast, something I miss about home. It's easy to make and I've been watching my dad watch make it for years. I've learned all his secret tips to making the tastiest French toast.

Benji comes out of his room with wet hair and we smile at each other. "Damn, B, you make this spread?" He asks, drying his curly hair with a towel. He kisses my cheek and I blush.

"It's my Dad's special French toast recipe. And of course, coffee."

"Don't even mention your dad," he jokes. "I almost forgot about our lunch date." He chuckles.

"I'm going to ask him about it tomorrow," I tell him. "I was thinking about visiting him, maybe going out for dinner. You know, catch up."

"You can't tomorrow," he says. "It's my birthday, remember?" He winks.

"Oh, shit," I remember. "I'm so stupid. Emily is throwing that big party, right?"

"Yeah, at The Palace. Have you picked out a dress? It's going to be ridiculously fancy." He chuckles. "How could you forget?" He smirks.

"Shit, I haven't had the time. I've been busy studying and crying all week," I joke. Benji sighs, feeling sorry for me.

"I know losing your friends has been hard on you, B. But they're dicks for saying what they said to you. I can't believe Hellen would do that to you."

"I'll be fine," I say quietly. "In the meantime, I have you, baby." I kiss him softly and I have to force myself to stop before I take it too far. I let go and we both sigh.

"I want you," he whispers into my ear.

"You'll get what you want," I say seductively. "In time." I walk away, leaving him wanting more. He smiles and shakes his head as I sip my coffee.

I get ready for the day by picking out an outfit, which is jeans, of course, and a white tee. I straighten my hair and apply a tiny bit of mascara.

I slip on my shoes and tell Benji I'm heading out to the mall to buy a dress for his party. "I'll come with you." He offers. "Let me come."

"I want it to be a surprise," I say. "I like surprising you."

He smiles. "Well, surprise me good," he says, pulling out his wallet and handing it to me. "Buy something expensive that will make my jaw drop."

"I have money," I remind him. After remembering Anna calling Benji my 'sugar daddy' I feel strange accepting money from him. And I don't want to be that girl, the one who won't spend her own money but has no problem spending her boyfriend's money. "I'm making you come to this ridiculous party, I'm not letting you spend any money on it."

"I'm buying you a present so either way I am spending money on it." I smile.

"Don't do that," he says. "You don't have to buy me anything. I don't need anything. Just being with you is good enough for me."

"Don't be cliche," I joke. "And I'm getting you a present whether you want it or not. And you're going to love it."

"I am?" He smirks. "Give me a hint."

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