Chapter 72: Goodbye, First Year

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"As this semester comes to an end, I'd like to thank each and every one of you. And by each and every one of you, I mean half of you. Half of you worked very hard, very diligently. Others, well, not so much. To those of you who tried, fulfilled your potential, and worked hard... you will go far. I believe in you."

I smile at Becca's words and we make eye contact. I see her smile back at me before she turns away. Everyone gets up and marches out the door, probably not even caring that this may be the last time they ever take a class with Becca Dante — the most fabulous teacher I've ever had.

"Becca," I say to grab her attention.

"Miss Bright," she says back as she packs up her bag.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For a wonderful year. School wise, this year has been pretty perfect. I learned a lot and I think I finally know what I want to do with my life."

"Oh? And what is that, if I may ask?"

I smile. "I want to open my own business," I tell her. "Of what exactly, I don't know, but I do know that I want to manage it myself. I want to take initiative and control. I want to be the one calling the shots for once in my life."

"Wow," she sighs. "That's very bold."

"You don't think I can do it?"

She chuckles. "On the contrary, I believe that if anyone can do it, it's you, Miss Bright. I am just surprised you have finally come to your senses and understand your potential. I know you will do great things."

"Thank you," I say quietly. "I don't say this quite enough but you are the most spectacular teacher I've ever had. You pushed us to our limit, you believed in us. I've never had a teacher like you before."

"I hope you have a wonderful summer, Brandy," she says with a warm smile. "Take care, will you? And tell Benji I also wish him a great summer."

I purse my lips and look down awkwardly.

"Let me guess: you aren't with Benji anymore? Ah, I remember when I was a teenager. I was dating on and off just like you. One moment I was in love, the next I was prepared to kill him."

"That's the thing, Becca. I don't want that kind of relationship. I don't want to love each other one minute and hate each other the next. I just want something normal, you know?"

"Oh, honey, that is normal. Couples who never argue have no spark," she says. "This isn't a Nicholas Sparks novel, Brandy, this is reality."

"Reality is really kicking my ass," I sigh. "Oh, God, excuse my language. I'm sorry." I cover my mouth. I forgot she is still my professor.

"It's never bothered me in my fifteen years of teaching," she chuckles. "You're an adult now, Brandy. Do you remember the first thing I taught you in college?"

I smile at the memories. Oh, fall... what a time.

"'This isn't high school,'" I quote her.

"That's right," she says. "Stop apologizing," she clicks her tongue. "Do what you want and own it. You're still young, but you need to have some sense of you who are now — because if you don't, other people will try to tell you who you are. If you let them, you'll turn into the person that they want you to be. Is that what you want?"

"That's the last thing that I want."

"Good," she says. "Because I have an assignment for you this summer: Figure. Your. Shit. Out."

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