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The grass swayed gently, its blades reaching skyward, while leaves drooped lazily, as if an artist had carefully placed them there. Walking home, I breathed in the serene, fresh air. After dinner, I fell into a deep sleep, only awakening when the sun's rays pierced through my curtains, warming my face. Hastily, I dressed in my best clothes. Mom entered my room with a cup of coffee, mumbling something I couldn't quite make out, her gaze searching the room as if she had lost something.

"Have you seen my glasses?" Mom questioned me with a straight face.

"I don't know, Mom," I said, lifting one shoulder slightly in a half shrug.

We combed through the living room, dining room, and both bedrooms. Every nook of the sofa was examined, cushions removed and areas beneath scrutinized. Chairs were inspected, hoping to find the missing glasses nestled between seat and cushion, but they eluded us. Expanding our search to unconventional spots, we checked the refrigerator, oven, and kitchen cabinets.

After fifteen minutes of fruitless searching, we were on the verge of surrender. That's when my dad emerged from the bathroom, holding a philosophy book in his hand. Her glasses were right there, on his face. I couldn't help but burst into laughter, exclaiming to her, "Hey, they are here!"

"Why are you wearing my glasses?" She roared, her hands squeezing into fists.

"Wait, your glasses?" Dad became confused in his speech and stopped in the middle of what he was saying. "I'm just trying to see the world through your eyes," he grinned.

She rolled her eyes, "Good luck with that! My world might be a bit blurry for you."

Mom's eyes flashed as she stepped forward, reaching for her glasses. She harrumphed a bit and left for the kitchen to be back with plates full of breakfast. Then she replenished her coffee, setting plates on the dining table. After a few minutes of eating in silence, I picked up my plate, cleaned it in the kitchen sink, before sinking leisurely into my easy chair.

"Look at you, all dressed up!" Dad exclaimed, snapping his fingers.

"Dressed up? I woke up like this." I winked and made the OK hand sign.

"Jaikar, are you heading to the birthday party now?" Mom inquired, running a comb through her hair, trying to smooth it.

"Yes, mom." I grinned nervously.

"When will you come back?" she asked, shooting a stern stare towards me.

"Please, don't worry about making dinner for me. I'll try to get back home before ten."

"What! The whole day?" She gasped aloud, her arms hanging by her sides.

"You're good to go!" Dad's eyes twinkled momentarily as he gave a thumbs-up.

"Quit spoiling your son!" My mom smirked.

"Jaikar is not spoiled, he's loved deeply." Dad let a warm smile dance on his face.

"I love you too, Dad!" I sauntered out of the main door with a self-satisfied smirk.

"Bye Jai, come back soon!" Mom's cheerful voice boomed from the kitchen.

I checked my bike chain's tension, wiping away the grease with a paper napkin before setting off on my journey. As I arrived at the Music Hall, the sound of soothing flute music cheered me. The high ceiling, decorated with intricate carvings, soared proudly about twenty feet above. Beautiful vases filled with blossoms exuded a strong fragrance, making my eyes itch. Neon lights flickered like lively police sirens as I approached a slim girl with dark hair, comfortably seated at the reception.

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