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In my thriving town, bricks and mortar were in a constant clash with the man and nature. Each edifice told a timeless tale, fostering fragments from the earlier eras. The wind chattered through the streets, the rain danced upon the rooftops and the sunlight contrived with the moonlight to bathe my town in ever-glow. As the dreamy dusk unfurled its velvety veil, the street lights emerged as earthbound stars.

Rocking gently on my weathered rocker, my eyes traced over the multitude of scratches. No amount of polish could conceal the circular black burns that marred each arm, or the imperfections in the curved gliders. Settling into the worn seat, a flood of memories engulfed me.

My jacket, draped over one of the arms of the rocker, showed off a faded elegance. As I observed the weathered garment, my thoughts drifted towards the girl who had altered the course of my life. The day our paths intertwined marked the inception of a profound love. It unfolded on December 31, 2023, a day etched in my memories.


Gazing at the clouds that glided across the sky like ships safely sailing in the celestial harbor, I found myself strolling along an uncluttered stretch of beach. Each step I took created a rhythmic crunch, adding to the whispers of the sand and the ceaseless murmur of the sea. It was a peaceful moment, embraced by the beautiful nature.

She stood solitary, clutching her bag tightly, the only companion in a sea of strangers. She glanced at the moon, as if she had gracefully declined its silent proposal. In the very next heartbeat, she graced the night with a fleeting smile, prompting the moon to hide behind the darkest clouds.

Fireworks erupted into the sky like flamboyant flowers, ignited by a festive flock. While I had always reveled in the beauty of fireworks, this time, my attention wavered. I found myself captivated by her presence. As she gazed at the gleaming sea, my feet carried me across the sand with tremulous steps, halting beside her boots.

"Uh, hi. I, um, noticed we're both awkwardly standing here on the beach." My eyes darted nervously between the girl and the surroundings.

"Haha yeah! Are you here for the New Year's celebration too?"

"Yes, lots of people. I usually prefer quieter places," I mentioned, adjusting my stance.

"Same! I usually just stay in, but I wanted to welcome the New Year with a view." Her fingers gracefully trailed through the strands of her midnight-black hair.

"I get that! I brought along a book," I chimed in, with a hint of enthusiasm.

"I think it's a little too dark to read now."

"Well, I brought this," I replied, retrieving a pocket flashlight that I always carried.

"A bookworm on the beach is a rare sight!"

"Indeed, it's not the most common sight," I admitted with a modest chuckle.

She reached into her bag, revealing her contribution to the evening's festivities. "I've got some sparklers with me!"

"Nice, I've never been good with them..."

With a twinkle in her eye, she assured me, "I'll teach you, it's easy! Just remember not to set yourself on fire."

"Great advice!" I exclaimed with a grin. "By the way, your boots are really cool."

"Oh, you think so? Thanks!" Her mouth twitched upwards for a second.

"Do you know that the heels were originally designed for men?"

"That's crazy!" She giggled, just like a stone bounced across a river, creating ripples of radiance where there had been none.

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