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My path towards home, snaked its way through a small grove of trees, their branches swaying gently. The familiar sound of our old, rusty gate protested against being opened. It screeched and groaned as if it were auditioning for a lead role in a horror movie. The porch light flickered a few times before fully committing to illuminating the area.

Mom stood in the doorway, her smile radiant, illuminating her face and the space around her. With gentle hands, she tenderly wiped the wetness from my hair with a towel. Her hands moved with practiced care, the towel gliding smoothly over my damp hair. Mom, drying my hair felt like the most comforting thing ever.

"Did you get caught in the rain again?" she inquired, her tone laced with concern.

I nodded with a sheepish grin. "Just a little."

"You have a knack for finding rain clouds," she teased gently, her eyes twinkling.

"I like to keep the weather on its toes."

A soft chuckle escaped her. "Just don't end up with soggy socks and a runny nose!"

"I'll try to stay dry next time," I said, a hint of apology in my voice for the extra laundry duty I inadvertently caused.

With a final pat on the head, she released my hair from the confines of the towel. "Your time to change out of these wet clothes before you start growing fins."

"Thanks, Mom," I chuckled, giving her a playful salute before heading to my room.

Hurriedly, I shed my damp attire, eager to rid myself of the chill that clung to my skin. I retrieved the ointment from the bag and began applying it to my stitches. As the soft gel met my skin, a sharp twinge of pain shot through me, eliciting a short, involuntary cry. Fortunately, it seemed to go unnoticed by Mom, who was preoccupied elsewhere in the house.

Upon hearing my cry, my father dashed into my room, his eyes widening as they landed on my bare abdomen. His face fell, the color draining from his cheeks, as he took in the sight, realizing the extent of my discomfort. The lines of worry deepened on his forehead, and his mouth tightened.

"Oh, my God! What happened to you?" My dad's voice was filled with shock.

I hesitated, unsure of how to explain. "There... There was an accident, and I ended up needing stitches."

His eyes widened. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I didn't want you both to worry for me," I replied, my voice breaking slightly. "I thought I could handle it by myself."

He let out a deep sigh, his brow furrowed with frustration. Running a hand through his hair, he appeared at a loss for words. Just then, my mom, drawn by the tone of our conversation, rushed into my room. She gasped, a hand flying to her mouth as she took in the sight, clearly alarmed by what she saw. She moved much closer, her gentle hands reaching out to touch me.

"How did this happen?" Her eyes welled up with tears, on the brink of spilling over.

"I was helping Kiran with his project, and a heavy tool accidentally slipped from my grip, hitting me in the abdomen," I confessed with regret as I chose to bend the truth to shield my parents from worry.

"That explains why you were delayed coming back from his house," she commented, her eyes narrowing as she tried to make sense of the situation.

"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier." I murmured, my gaze fixed on the floor, unable to meet their piercing eyes.

"We understand, Jai. But if something like this happens again, don't hesitate to tell us," Dad said, patting my shoulder reassuringly.

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief. "I'll be more open with you from now on."

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