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"You are going to have dinner! I don't care if you already ate something outside." My mom hooted from the kitchen and came dashing towards me.

"How did you know I ate out?" I smirked. Her face lit up with a wide grin, like a sunbeam breaking through clouds, stretching from one cheek to the other.

"You didn't utter a single word about being hungry. So, you ate something. It could have been snacks in the kitchen, but the only snack you can even think of devouring is still sealed shut! I know you aren't going to eat the leftovers from lunch until I force you to do so," my mom clarified. I gave her the same annoyed look the police give Sherlock when he outsmarts them.

Our dining room was alive with the moonlight streaming through the welcoming windows, filling the air with a happy vibe that mingled with the aroma of our meal. We enjoyed mushroom soup and toasted bread slices, complemented by clusters of sweet green grapes. Instead of watching television, my family engaged in pleasant conversations, and afterward, we all pitched in to tidy up the table.

After a modest meal, I quickly went upstairs to the rain-kissed terrace. The trees seemed to greet me, thankful for the rain that had quenched their parched roots. Tilting my face toward the sky, I savored the union of the gentle breeze and the moonlight. At that moment, I reached for my phone to share my newfound joy with my best friend.

"Hello, Kiran! What's crackin'?"

"Sleeping in my bed diagonally." He mumbled through the fabric.

"Did your sleep schedule go on vacation without you?" I quizzically inquired.

"I don't know man. Weird things are happening! During the day, my brain whispers, 'potato, potato, ching chong potato' and lets me sleep but during the night it screams, 'let's be wide awake and remember my every stupid decision!'"

"Hilarious, but I feel for you. Come out and embrace the wonders of nature."

"Nah, nature and I are on a break," he replied, his voice muffled by the blankets. "Wait a minute... Is this about her?"

"Yes! We had a riveting thirty-minute conversation," I proudly announced.

He asked playfully, "Anything scandalous happened in those thirty minutes?"

"Certainly not!" I leaned back, a grin playing on my face.

"What on earth did you guys talk about?"

"I regaled her with tales of... our daring mango heist," I declared confidently.

"Seriously?" His drowsy voice boomed, "You've turned your relationship into a pirate adventure gone wrong!"

"Hey, she seemed to enjoy it." I questioned myself, 'Did she?' and shook away from that thought immediately. "What do you know about relationships anyway?"

"Sharing the TV remote with someone."

"Wait, I'll write that down on my 'Relationships for Dummies' manual."

"The thrill of victory when you secure the remote!" he exclaimed softly.

"And the agony of defeat when you're stuck watching a documentary on ants," I retorted, my laughter bubbling up.

"Oh no! Not a crash course in entomology," he giggled. "It's not about winning the remote, it's about winning each other."

"I couldn't have put it more brilliantly!"

He yawned, "You've officially ruined my sleep, Jai. But duty calls, I need to refuel now. It's dinner time in Kiran-land."

"Enjoy your meal, buddy," I said, bringing our quirky conversation to a close.

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