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My friend is the same age as me, except he's much taller. He isn't lanky, there's sufficient bulk on him. I wonder how many jokes and comments about his stature he gets daily, jibes about 'the air being thin up there.' Thinking back to our childhood, I remember how we used to playfully pretend to have horns, like in a bullfight. Those childhood skirmishes often concluded with unintended consequences -both of us hurting our foreheads.

Kiran was completely unaware of my impending visit. I've always believed that the charm of surprises lies in their unexpected nature. By setting no expectations, we allow others the freedom to exceed any anticipation effortlessly. After all, high expectations often serve as a surefire route to disappointment.

Approaching Kiran's door with fingers crossed, I could only hope he was awake when I knocked. To my delight, the door swung open almost instantly upon my gentle tap. The surprise lit up his face, and a subtle smile danced on his lips, confirming that my unexpected visit was indeed a pleasant surprise for him.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked him first.

"Same old, same old. How about you?"

"Let's start with where you were yesterday," I replied, standing tall with a straightened posture.

"Didn't I mention it earlier?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in response. "No, you didn't, my lord."

"I won the singing competition at the New Year Party!"

"Congratulations! Next time, remember to invite me." I gave him a high-five.

"Sure thing, Your Highness," he teased, bowing dramatically. "I'll send a royal invitation your way next time."

"Alright, but how did you manage to win?"

"It was all in the power of my secret weapon!" He exclaimed, striking a dramatic pose.

"Your secret weapon?" I leaned in.

"Yes, indeed! I sang the most unexpected song choice of all time."

"Let me guess, 'Barbie Girl'?" I let out mirthless laughter.

"Even better! I sang 'Baby Shark'."

"You've gotta be kidding me! Why has nothing appeared in the news that you killed scores of people while singing?"

"Believe it or not, the crowd went wild," he said, laughing. "Who knew a children's song could win a singing competition?"

"The judges must be out of their minds. No way you could pull off a stunt like that!"

"It was a gamble that paid off big time."

"I'll definitely be snagging a front-row seat for your next performance." We exchanged a hearty handshake, laughing together.

Taking a seat on the sofa beside a side table, I noticed the newspaper resting on it, bearing unmistakable teeth marks courtesy of Jasper, his enthusiastic dog. Standing at the edge of his leather belt, fastened securely with a cord that could probably lower a boat! The moment I drew near, he pressed his body against mine.

"Hello, wise furball! Are treats the meaning of life, or is it all about belly rubs?" Jasper rolled onto his back, hinting at a belly rub. Then, he started circling around himself.

"Does chasing your tail symbolize the endless pursuit of life's mysteries?" I mused, giving him a pat. He paused, tilting his head to the side, a curious expression in his eyes, as if pondering the deep question.

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