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A restless night plagued my sleep, and the next morning, an unsettling tension gripped me. I mechanically filled the kettle to brew some coffee, though my intentions were far from consumption. My gaze, unfocused and troubled, repeatedly wandered. I flicked the television on, only to promptly switch it off a mere minute later, finding no solace in its offerings.

"Jai, what's troubling you today?" inquired my dad, clad in his sacklike dhoti.

"I just need a breather, Dad. The syllabus is getting overwhelming," I admitted, instantly regretting the words that hinted at a lie masking a deeper issue.

"Alright, take the break you need," he responded, offering a reassuring smile.

"Do you mind if I go out for a bit?"

"Of course not, it's good to get some fresh air. Your bike keys are in the drawer."

"Thanks Dad, I'll be taking my leave then."

"See you later!" he said, flashing a smile.

With an appreciative nod, I grabbed the bike keys and my leather purse. As I stepped outside, the fresh air felt invigorating. Quickly mounting my bike, I started my journey to the hospital. The streets were relatively quiet, adding to the peacefulness of the moment. Soon, the destined hospital loomed into view, and I parked my bike before heading inside.

After a brief pause, I entered the TRUST hospital, its walls, once adorned with paint, now betrayed by peeling cream flakes that exposed the stark concrete beneath. The floor bore the scars of relentless footsteps and wheel marks, rendering it uneven and darker than a mausoleum. The air hung motionless, descending into a stagnant pit.

In my search for help, a young female doctor appeared on the scene. Her complexion was almost anemic, with beads of cold sweat shimmering on her forehead and cheeks. Dark hair framed her face, contrasting sharply with her very pale skin, giving her a ghost-like appearance that heightened the tension in the air. I approached her, to explain my situation.

"Hi there, I'm friends with Ritisha, the daughter of one of your old patients here."

"Oh, hello! Yes, I remember Ritisha and her family." She glanced up from the medical files in her hands. "How is she doing?"

"She's doing well, thank you. She always speaks highly of the care you provide."

"It's nice to know that our patients and their families appreciate the work we do here. How can I assist you today?"

"I wanna know how Ritu's father is reacting to the medical procedure."

She paused, setting the files aside to meet my gaze. "Cirrhosis! He requires a liver replacement as soon as possible."

"Liver replacement..." I gasped, locking eyes with her emotionless gaze. "Have you managed to find any suitable donors?"

"We identified a few potential donors, but unfortunately, they all failed the screening tests," she expressed, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

I felt a sinking sensation in my chest. "What does that mean for his chances?"

"It means that the donors we found were not a suitable match for Narayan's condition. We'll continue the search, but time is of the essence. His condition is deteriorating rapidly," she explained, a sense of urgency underlying her words.

I learned the name of Ritu's father, Narayan. This newfound knowledge led me to make a quick decision that could alter the trajectory of my life. In the heat of the moment, I failed to contemplate the implications of my actions and how they might impact not only myself but also those closest to me, particularly my parents.

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