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Suffering is like a teddy bear stuffed with broken glass pieces. The more you hold on to it, the deeper it will cut you. However, as you make dignified choices and work through your suffering, you'll heal and reach a point where your life improves, and you find comfort and warmth again.

I immediately called my only reliable friend. "Kiran..." My voice was slurred, and I could feel my hand trembling slightly.

"Hey, you don't sound okay. Everything alright with you? " he exclaimed.

"I had a sudden operation," I managed to say, my words sounding muffled.

"Wha-what happened?"

"I'm fine... Meet me at the TRUST hospital."

"Wait near the entrance, I'm on my way!"

"Hurry," I urged, my face instantly flushing.

As I stood near the hospital entrance, the surroundings felt unfamiliar, heightening my sense of vulnerability. Moments later, Kiran appeared, his face etched with nervousness. We quickly made our way to his sleek car, its polished exterior gleaming under the streetlights. With his assistance, I settled comfortably in the back seat.

"You almost gave me a heart attack, dude!" He exclaimed, his voice booming.

"I'm sorry, Kiran. It was all so sudden," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I don't believe what I'm seeing right now." He responded, inspecting the broad bandage around my abdomen.

Before I could say another word, my phone rang again, this time it was my dad calling. Summoning all my strength, I answered. "Hi Dad," I spoke softly before the silence grew too uncomfortable for both of us.

"Jai, why didn't you pick up your mom's calls? We have been so worried!"

"I'm sorry for worrying you." My words were low but deliberate. "I'm with Kiran."

"What are you two up to?" he hissed, his tone filled with sternness.

"I-I'm helping him with his project." I replied, weaving a lie to put him at ease.

There was a brief pause on the line, and I could sense his skepticism. "Are you sure?"

"I promise, Dad. Just another day or two, and I'll be back home," I reassured him.

Mom took over the phone. "Well, just be careful, Jai. You know how anxious I get..."

"Mom, please don't worry. I'll be alright. I'll keep you updated," I mentioned, before ending the call. Kiran grabbed his shirt collar gently, letting out a sigh of relief.

Shortly after, we reached his guest house and stepped out of the vehicle. Kiran's strong arms supported me as he gently laid me on the bed. Handing me a glass of water, he helped with the tablets. Despite the lingering pain in my abdomen, I sat for a while, gazing out the window at a tree.

After dinner, I found solace in a restful sleep. The following day, he gently woke me, helping with a thinner bandage and supporting my tentative steps. By day two, I noticed a significant weight loss, a result of the surgery. On the third day, I removed the bandage, revealing scars that gleamed like narrow threads of silver under the sunlight. He cared for me like family throughout, even buying me some clothes.

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