Chapter 21

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NAMTARN IS MISSING and everyone are looking for her. The stolen eyes are no where to be found, and it made Kit furious. Ohm didn't know that Namtarn could do such thing.

"I wanna go home, I miss my home." Ohm said as a lone tear fell from his eyes and he started sobbing.

"I miss my teddy bear, I miss my parents, I miss her. Can't everything be okay?" Ohm said while crying.

No one noticed that he leave the room, he is now the balcony crying about his messy life. He keeps on remembering everything about the gifted students and his memories with them.

"If only everything is okay, it'll be great. I am sick of being the second one and an option. Why am I so cowardly?" He asked himself and cried.

"I love her too much, that I forgot to love myself and give her my everything." Ohm cracked up and he cried. His voice and cries were cracking up.

"I wanna go home.. I miss my home." Ohm cried.

On the other hand, Namtarn saw how Ohm cried out in pain. It breaks her heart to see him like that, cause she already also fell for him but things were complicated. He didn't know why she did that, why she did all of those.

"If only I can explain this, but I can't." Namtarn said and bit her lip as she silently cry while watching Ohm.

"Are you happy now?" The male beside him said, "you broke him, satisfied?"

"Shut up, I didn't mean this to happen." Namtarn said.

"As if, you're all over crazy for Pang and you didn't mean this?" The guy laughed.

"I didn't know why I did that!! Stop pressuring me!!" Namtarn said as her chest started to tighten up and she is having a hard time to breathe.

"Love can turn into hatred. Let's see what'll happen to you." The guy said and smirked before leaving.

"Tsk, tsk, what a pitiful bitch, you need to survive anyway." The girl said and gives her the medicine.

"Don't try seducing my man or else I'll kill you. Not physically but I can end you emotionally." The girls said and pushed Namtarn.

Typical mean girl.

Namtarn drunk all of the medicine she needs and sighed. If only she can remember what happened that day, she can explain herself well. But the fear that Ohm might not believe her and that Pang will hate her It hunts her.

"I can't lose the two of you, I'm sorry." Namtarn said and smiled bitterly.

Only she can remember is that a man with a black hoodie and has blue cape dragged her and then she can't remember anything after that. Her memories were torn up and she can't fix it. She only got back to her senses after she got arrested.

Ohm, please, wait for me. I'll tell you everything.

Namtarn said and she run towards Ohm's direction. She keeps on running even if she is not allowed to. She keeps on running as if it's the end of everything.

"OHM!! OHM!!" She shouted and Ohm looked at her.

He run towards her and she thought he will pushed her or scream at her, but he hugged her and cried. Ohm cried in Namtarn's arms.


"I-i thought I will not gonna see you ever again. I am so scared that you'll be gone." Ohm cried while looking at her and caressing her cheeks. Ohm were still shocked and can't believe that it's not a dream.

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