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"YOU LOOK UGLY." Wave said as he looked at Pang whose wearing a dress and has a long hair.

"You're lucky, you are pretty." Pang pouted and Wave just read his book. "What you doing?"

"Obviously, I am reading a book." Wave said as he keeps on reading a fairy tale book.

"What does it says?" Pang said since the text is written in half English and half Thai. He can't read it whole unlike Wave who is very gifted with brains.

"It's says that " the wolf dressed himself as the grandma." that's what it says." Wave explained.

"Ohhh, tell me more!! What's that book about? I like wolves!! I have a wolf!! Look there!!" Pang pointed the Husky that is not far away from them.

"It's a dog." Wave said.

"Wasn't wolves are dogs? Am I wrong? Are they cats? Then why do they growl like a dog?" Pang asked innocently.

"Don't talk to me." Wave said and walk away but Pang clung onto him.

"Ocean, please!!!" Pang said and begged him.

"I am not Ocean!!" Wave pouted since he knew his name is Wave.

"But you are like an ocean!! You are so cool!! And bigger than me!! You're like an Ocean!! And we also met the first time.in the Ocean." Pang said and smiled.

"Then I'll call you dumplings!! You are such a pig about dumplings!!" Wave smirked but Pang's eyes shine in happiness.

"Yehey!! You recognize me!! Yehey!!" Pang jumped in happiness. "Tell me the story!!" Pang said, he already heard if from his mother but he wanted to hear Wave.

"The Big bad wolf pretend to be the grandma. When Red riding hood came she thinks that her grandma is so odd. She asked him..." Wave keeps on telling the story and Pang is silent listening to him.

After the book reading suddenly Pang kissed Wave on the cheeks and run away. It made Wave pissed and sulk as Pang smiles happily.

"I won't get married anymore!!" Wave said and Pang heard it.

"Then, I'll marry you!!" Pang smiled and Wave looked at him.

"You might broke it!!" Wave pouted.

"No, I will not!! I'll marry you!!" Pang said and Wave nodded.

"I-i'll be mad if you won't do that!!" Wave said and smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll marry you." Pang said.

Their parents on the other hand were very glad to see the two getting along. They didn't know at the moment that their sons plans on marrying one another.

Pang went to their house with his parents. They are in the car when Pang suddenly spoke and asked a question.


"Yes?" Suzy asked.

"Is it hard to get married? If one got pregnant will she get hurt? How much will it cost to get married?" Pang asked and Thee smirked and Suzy choked on the water.

"W-why did you suddenly asked?" Suzy asked.

"Well, Ocean said I should marry her since I kissed her." Pang said and it made Suzy smirked and giggled.

"Hihihihi, yeah, it'll hurt if she gets pregnant."

"Can I be pregnant instead? I don't want her to get hurt." With that Suzy squeal and kissed Pang.

"You'll be a great husband."

On the other hand Wave asked his parents about marriage also.

"Is hard to get married? What should I do to make my wife happy? If she gets pregnant, I don't want her to get hurt. I want Dumplings, to be happy and doesn't get hurt. Should I save money?" Wave keeps on babbling about Dumpling and Marriage.

"Sweetie why do you want to marry Dimple?" Wimala asked.

"Cause she promised to marry me. You said if someone kissed me, and it's not you two or any people who is our family and friends they have to marry me. Dimple is not my friend, he is stupid." Wave giggled as he remember how enthusiastic Pang is while listening to him.

Wimala shakes her head and sigh. Sam on the other hand just chuckled at how cute his son is.

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