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Hello, Spring Campbell here! I just want to encourage you to comment. I love replying to comments. I don't mind if it's just a short "haha" or it's a fully written critique. Whatever's your cup of tea. I will respond to any comments I receive.
Now to the story~

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"It must be love," Albedo says after a short while of thinking. Next to him is a little tan boy with long blue hair who is engulfed by Icy Featherflight (Kaeya's outfit). They stand at the square near Albedo's alchemy stand.

The three women in front of him look at the blonde with puzzled looks. "Huh?"

Albedo explains, "The spell that hit him, simply put, made his physical state become directly linked to his mental state. In particular, how loved he feels." Albedo continues, explaining going on a rant, "Also I say physical state but that includes his brain so his memories are most likely tied to his physical age and blah, blah, blah."
Jean interrupts saying, "But the Cavalry Captain is very well received and everyone in Mond loves him!"

"It's true," Lisa adds.

"And what about us?" Jean says. "We love him too!"

"Yeah!" Amber chirps.

Albedo shakes his head. "Ah, but that's the thing about love isn't it? You can give as much as you want but in the end what matters is how much of that they're willing to receive."

Jean leads young Kaeya in the Knights' headquarters with Amber and Lisa trailing behind. Villagers wave at the Acting Grand Master then stare in awe at the now child aged Cavalry Captain. The knights that guard that building can't take their eyes away from the boy.

"Is that-" one of them says, eyes wide and a hand reaching for his mouth. Jean shots a glare telling them to shush up and act like proper guards. They stiffen up, but their eyes follow young Keaya.

Does he know? Keaya thinks. Does that mean Jean knows as well? The bluenette's mouth trembles. I have to get away. Keaya runs ahead of the ground and into the headquarters to escape their gaze, he trips on his clothing and falls, his hands retract forward, but only make sure that his head doesn't hit first.

"Keaya!" Jean says, running to the aid of the little boy. The knights standing by the door subconsciously take a step forward towards the fall victim.

"Ow..." young Keaya says.

Jean's office opens and a short, blonde woman with twin tails as her hairstyle. "Big Sis- I mean. Jean."

"Barbara, what a relief. Keaya fell, can you please heal him?" Jean says.

Barbara looks at the person on the floor. It was Keaya's clothing, but she didn't see anyone. Then it moved. A child version of the Cavalry Captain came out, naked.

"Ahh!" Barbara yelled, covering her eyes. Lisa quickly covered the boy with clothing for everyones' sakes.

"Come with me Kaeya," Jean says standing up. "You too Barbara." Barbara moves her hands down and goes to her sister's side. "Amber, Lisa, I want you two to stay here for a bit. I need to fix Keaya some clothes that fit him and come up with a plan to break this spell."

"Alright!" Amber stays with a cheerful salut. "I'll just wait here."

"I'll be in my library," Lisa says, already walking towards the two floored library.

The two sisters and blue haired boy walked into Jean's office.

"Barbara go heal him, I'll..." Jean says before looking into Keaya's eyes. Fear and pain swirl in the ocean blue orbs. She knew what that look was. He needed someone to comfort him.
He didn't seem to like Barbara much. The boy was moving away from her and closer to Jean. Maybe it was a motherly instinct but she couldn't leave him alone.

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