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TWO updates in ONE day! Oh I am on FIRE!!! Just kidding. I ended up writing too much of one halter that I split the chapter into two separate chapters. Smart, right?

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"I found the one I want to read," Klee says, more or less not noticing how loud she is being; she is too engrossed by the fable. "Once upon a time, there was an ugly  The barnacle..." Klee reads the first line of the story.

"The ugly barnacle wanted to be friends with the clams with their pretty peals, but they didn't like the barnacle. 'Get away ugly barnacle,' they told him. 'You're an ugly barnacle and we don't like ugly barnacles'.

"The ugly barnacle wanted to be friends with the crabs with their big claws, but they didn't like the barnacle. 'Get away ugly barnacle,' they told him. 'You're an ugly barnacle and we don't like ugly barnacles'.

"The ugly barnacle, now saddened by the fact that no one wanted to be his friend, went back to his rock. 'No one likes ugly barnacles like me!' he cried. He was interrupted by a voice, 'Hi, do you want to be my friend?' The ugly barnacle looked around until he saw a hermit crab on his rock. 'No one likes ugly barnacles like me,' The barnacle repeated. 'Well... I like ugly barnacles," the tiny crab answered."

"The hermit crab and the ugly barnacle became fast friends. They played with each other. Even if ugly barnacle was ugly and different from the hermit crab, the hermit crab still loved him. She didn't care if he was ugly or a barnacle or a hermit crab; she loved him anyway."

After they finish the fable, Klee asks Keaya what he thought about it.

'What I thought about it,' Keaya thinks to himself. 'I don't think it's true. I relate to the ugly barnacle in the sense that no one wants to be my friend. Being an ugly barnacle symbolizes me. No one would want to be friends with me if they knew the truth.'

"I think that it is a fairytale. That wouldn't happen in life. People don't do that," Kaeya says.

"It's my favorite fairytale," Klee says. "I want to show you something."

"What is it?" Keaya asks, before Klee rummages through her backpack and pulls out a curio all object. It looks like a bunny or cat, with its small, oval ears. It's yellow tinted and wrapped in a red cloth decorated with a pin and two small feathers.

"Look, look, it's a bomb!" Klee put her hand out revealing a powerful, handcrafted bomb.

Keaya stumbles backward, his chairs falling on the tile with a loud crash.

Klee notices his fear and puts the bomb back into her bag. "It won't explode. You don't need to fear. Klee will protect you from Humpty Dumpty."

Even though he didn't think the child could do much if her bomb malfunctioned, he was thankful she had put it away.

"What's a Humpty Dumpty?" The girl said, stepping to the side of the book shelf.

"It's my bomb; do you want to see?" Klee asks, already going to her bag.

"Ahh, no thank you. I like linguistics more than explosives," she says.

"What's that?"

"It's language," she explained. "More specifically Hilichurlian linguistics."

"Hilichurls? The monsters from Khaenri'ah...The people from Khaenri'ah," Keaya whispers.

"What did you say?" Ella asks.

"Nothing important."

"I'm going to put the book back," Klee tells Keaya before doing the action.

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