A/N (LOL, it doesn't start with an 'L')

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Lately I have been feeling down about myself as a whole. It's making me question if I should do this anymore. I know that it's normal for a writer to think there story is bad and that they should quit or in the extreme delete the story. I won't do the last point, but I am in a pickle.

I don't want to write this story anymore, which I believe people would say, 'If your heart not in it or if you aren't happy writing it then you should just stop.'

I counter their point with, 'We can't just give up if we don't want to do something. I've given up too many times in the past. This story is one that in tended to finish.'

But I don't know. Should I take a break? If I do I feel like I'm failing my Seedlings. But what if I'm burning myself out? I try to write 1,000-1,500 words a day. Sometimes more but lately I've been doing less than 500.

I don't want to change my update schedule, but it's not like there are a lot of people reading this anyway... :(

I shouldn't get my hopes up.

I don't know what to do. I await your feedback and decide based on that.

~Spring K. Campbell

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