Living Hell

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As Kaeya falls unconscious for the second time that day he stays asleep.

Kaeya opens his eyes to a black void.

"Hello?" Kaeya asks. His voice bounces off the black walls and it ripples from under his feet. Kaeya takes a step forward, each step a ripple to the everlasting darkness.

"Hel-" A light turns on. As the light brightens the black water transforms into a dark room. The walls, flooring, and ceiling are all stone blocks. The curling has holes in the ceiling where light bluish light comes through.

Following the moonlight to the ground he sees a familiar red hair laid into a low ponytail.

"Diluc!" Kaeya says running towards his brother. He reaches out but a wall stops him. After touching the water wall he falls backward, his mouth agape. "Diluc?"

Diluc looks up, his face is beaten and bruised. A Scar decorates an eye while bruises on his jaw. His nose drips blood.

Kaeya walks on his shins up to the wall. He puts a hand on it the closest he can to his brother. "Diluc, can you hear me?"

The door swings open.

Where did that come from?

Two pyro mages from flowering in one after another. Diluc flings himself at that, but his hands are covered by metal and those hand covers are connected to the stone wall by chains.

"You'll never harm him ever again!" Diluc yells.

"Shut up. Pet," an Abyss mage says, pushing Diluc's head down into the cold, stone floor.

Diluc mumbles something.

"What was that?"

Diluc jumps up to the dumb mage and manages to hit it with his own head.

"I'll kill you; I'll kill you all!"

The abyss mage which got hurt whispers something in their home language. The door closes as the mage leaves to complete their order. The injured Abyss mage doesn't let their injury show any weakness. Instead it holds out its hand and three heads of fire spawn.

Kaeya's eyes go wide. ", no, no, no, no please Barbatos no!" Kaeya's hands bang on the water wall as the heads open their mouths.

Flames shoot out of their mouth like a never ending storm of arrows.

Kaeya covers his ears and eyes to block out Hos brother screams. The loud sound brings Kaeya in the fetal position. His head falls to the ground.

"Stop! Stop it!" Kaeya shouts. He writhes around in silk.

"Kaeya, stop you're okay," a female voice says. Kaeya opens his eyes to the lavender haired maid. Her arms are wrapped tightly around his chest. His breathing is thick and rapid. Like he was drowning.

"I don't want to be alone," Kaeya says.

With a motherly smile Noelle pulls a wooden chair over to the bedside. "I'll stay here and watch over you as you sleep. It's going to be okay."

Kaeya nods and lays his head back down. He doesn't feel dizzy or anything, just tired. "Okay," Kaeya says, laying his head down on the pillow. "Good night."

Kaeya's eyes close and open to the black bios but this time the moonlight is shining. Kaeya walks to the light. It illuminates his brother. He lays unconscious. His head lays on the stone, blood leaking from his mouth and nose.

An has mage enters. It's looks down at the red- haired man. It scoffs. "What a weakling." Floating to the chains behind his body the mage sets Diluc free.

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