Let's go

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"Is everyone ready?" Kaeya says to the group. It wasn't a question but more like a word of encouragement.

The group, which consisted of Kaeya, Noelle, and Albedo, stands outside the place where they believe Diluc is being held.

"Yes," Noelle says, saluting the young boy. "I cannot believe that my first mission is one so extreme."

In Kaeya excitement he didn't think of that, he purely thought of his brother. His nightmares wouldn't let him do otherwise.

"Let's go inside," Kaeya commands the two adults. There was a small opening in the cliff. It was something small and unnoticeable. The only thing that gave away the abyss's traces is the weird incoherence around the area.

He wanted to do this alone, but thankfully Noelle caught on to what he was doing and made sure she and Albedo joined him. He agreed but only if Noelle didn't spill the beans to their operation. She begrudgingly agreed.

They enter the cave/ruin with their swords unsheathed. Walking through the stony interior they come across three separate pathways.

"I think we should split up," Kaeya says.

"But what if we encounter the abyss?" Noelle counters. "We should stay together and pick one tunnel.

"I agree with Kaeya," Albedo says in his monotone voice.

"But he is just a child," the maid points out.

Kaeya is about to say something but Labedo beats him to it, "Kaeya may be a child but he possesses the weapon muscle memory of his adult self. Also, since he got hurt one might assume that he would be more careful when close with Abyss mages."

That was true to a sense. Kaeya was more weary of Abyss mages. He would run away from their attacks as he would normally do with swords, as he normally did with dodging any attack.

"Two against one," Kaeya says proudly. "We all go into separate tunnels."

"Well, if you hear anything like screams for help or sword clashing then we must go help that person."

"That is to be assumed."

"Let's go!" Kaeya says his eyes burning with a fire of determination.

Kaeya takes the tunnel to the left, Albedo the one to the right and Noelle takes the middle tunnel.

As Kaeya's feet walk across the tunnel we can hear dripping water. With his sword more in an attack pose he slowly looks around for the water. He sighed and loosens his should when the dripping sound is not one of a hydro Abyss mages but rather one of the tunnel. He smiles when the water dripping into a small puddle that has been making its presence know. The droplet falls into it making the whole water shaking.

Walking to the other side of the tunnel he finds himself alone.

Either it was a last of judgement or his childish fear came up, but Kaeya thought that he had to find Noelle and Albedo by any means possible.

Kaeya runs forward.

"Noelle!" He yells for his mother figure.

Skidding to a stop, Kaeya stops to listen. "Noelle?"

A door open from the left side of the tunnel only to reveal that it wasn't Boelle or Albedo, but the abyss order.

"You're not Noelle..."

Three Abyss mages one of each type charged at the young boy.

He run away from the mages. He's faster than them but they can teleport so the race is a close one.

Kaeya makes it to the original place they were all together to be met with Noelle and Albedo.

"Noelle!" Kaeya screams with glee.

Now that he is in a group three and it was fair Kaeya turns around with his sword withdrawn.

They fight and defeat the mages.

"There are quite a lot of Abyss mages here."

Albedo asks Kaeya if he can have a word with the young boy.

"What is it?" Kaeya asks, confused.

"I ever heard some hilichurls talking about Monstadt and Diluc."

Kaeya's eyes widens. "What did they say?"

"From the limited words we know they said something along the lines of 'prepare...Diluc...fight...bad people...Mondstadt'."

"So they are going to fight Mlndstadt?"

"I think that they are going to make Diluc fight for them," Albedo adds.

"Um... guys... pardon me for interrupting your conversation but there are more coming."

Kaeya and Albedo look to Noelle and past the maid to see a flood of Abyss mages lining up.

"I think it's best if we leave," Albedo says and the other two nods their heads. Their legs are that of chettas as they retreat from the Abyss mages cave.

Kaeya pants, catching his breath. His hand are on his knees and the bluenette is stopped over.

In his mind his realizes one thing.

'In order to save Diluc he first has to stop the Abyss mages.'

"Let's go home," Kaeya says, leading the group back to Diluc's home."

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