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Hey, Seedlings, I have a question. Do you like the quotes, don't like the quotes, or don't care about the quotes?

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'I know that you're a Khaenri'ahan,' the note simply said.

Kaeya looks up at the man. He didn't say anything. It reminded him of Diluc in a way. They were both a silent type in a way.

"You don't hate me?" Kaeya asks, his head slowly rising to match the man's gaze.

"Why would I do that?" Albedo asks. "We are both Khaenri'ahan."

"But that means that we caused all the monsters."

"I don't believe that."

"Have you not been outside? They are everywhere!"

"I don't believe that they are monsters," Albedo answers truthfully. "To me they are just like humans. They have their own language and customs. And just like humans they can follow the wrong people. I believe that they can be good if they weren't under control of the Abyss Order."

"I have the gift to create life because I'm a Khaenri'ahan; and so are you."



"Can you..." Kaeya looks down at the ground. "Can you teach me?"


"How long has he been at that?" Adelinde asks Hillie and Moco who have been watching Kaeya spar all day.

"All day," the maids answer. "He's been training with everyone. He even sparred with Jacob Musk though he wasn't much of a match. I personally feel sorry for the man. Kaeya wiped him out in seconds."

It was true. It seemed that after Diluc was taken away Kaeya had thrown himself into being a Cavalry Captain.

Kaeya wipes his forehead pushing sweat to the packed dirt.

Shords clashs.

"Stop going easy on me," Kaeya says with glare. It was like the child was someone else. Like his adult self. The man who didn't matter how it happened he would defeat the enemy. The man that triggered a ruin guard and almost got his cavalry dead.

The child had become a man.

"I don't want to hurt you," Jean says, holding her claymore up right, her forearms at her waist.

The two circle each other, sword in hand ready and waiting to strike. Jean has been blocking Kaeya's attacks for an hour or two. No breaks for pure fighting. Both sides were getting tired, sweat falling down on the dirt because of the burning hot sun.

"Go Kaeya!" Noelle cheers, after taking a drink of some iced water Adelinde gave her. The maids stiff over a tent covering to hide away from the sun.

Kaeya's eyes glint in the sunlight and he thrusts forward. The maids watch and listen as swords clink and scrape against each other. Though Kaeya is physically impaired his sword and ambition make up for his size.

Kaeya's heavy breath can be heard over the noise as it disappears into the sun. His head tunes to the bright ball for fire.

"Kae..." It's a whisper.

The Cold Steel drops, inserting itself into the dirt. The bluenette's body is quick to follow.

Kaeya hits the ground with a thud, his eyelids covering the only visible eye.

"Kaeya!" Noelle yells and scrambles out of her seat to the boy. Jean is faster and reaches him first.

The Acting GrandMaster checks for his heart beat, putting a finger or two on his neck. "He has a pulse."

The three maids scamper off to get Barbara.

The deaconess exits the door running in her heels and slowly behind her comes the alchemist.

"Help him," Noelle asks.

"I can't," Barbara says standing over the child. "I can only heal people. Kaeya is unconscious. He's not hurt."

"He needs to rest," comes a man's voice. The ladies turn to face AlBedo. "Kaeya fainted due to overworking his body and the hot temperatures."

Noelle grabs Kaeya and holds him in baby position. One hand under the boy's legs and one pulling his back toward her chest.

As they go inside they pass the red hilichurl; the one Ella called Celi Boya. He stayed inside and was ignored for the rest of his stay.

Seeing the unconscious boy caught his attention and he slowly follows the group. Albedo and the hilichurl walk in the back trailing behind the women and the maids.

"Hello," the alchemist says, looking into the creature's masked face.

Celi Boya takes a few moments to think of the correct response. "Unta modi dada."

They enter the red, master bedroom. "Put his feet on the footboard. It needs to be over his head," the head maid instructs.

The women lay Kaeya's body in Diluc's empty bed, making sure to put his feet hanging over the footboard. Adelinde orders Hillie and Moco to get a wet washcloth and a glass of cold water. The two's shoes can be heard as they rush off to complete the order.

"How do you know so much about fainting?" Noelle asks Adelinde as the maid unravels Kaeya's navy ribbon.

"Master Diluc has more than once fainted over stress," Adelinde answers as her hands reach Kaeya's buttons. They slide out with ease.

"But Master Diluc seems so calm with anything concerning the Winery," Jean points out.

"I think that he worries about his brother," the head maid says as the door opens to Hillie a wash in her hands and Moco holding a glass of water, ice floating at the top. Adelinde thanks the girls and places the cool, damp cloth on Kaeya's forehead. "I often worry about his well being. He doesn't say much but his actions say everything..."

The whole room goes quiet. The previous statement has been shown recently by Diluc's trade. His brother for himself. Noelle and Barbara look down to the floor.

"I didn't know..."

The blank rubs against itself and everyone turns to the stirring Kaeya. He tries to get up but Adlelinde puts out a hand to stop him. "Rest; you need it."

Kaeya lays back down and Adlelinde points to the glass of water that Moco got which she puts on the bedside table.

"Can we do anything for you?" Adlelinde asks. "You won't be able to train for the rest of the day but we could keep you company in bed."

"Can you um... button my shirt?" Kaeya asks. His face becomes a shade red to better match the bedding.

"Of course," Moco says and does the action.

Hillie goes to him and whispers, "I like it better with your shirt unbuttoned."

As the maids leave Kaeya giggling while the boy is wide eyed and his blush matches the bedding shade perfectly.

As everyone one else leaves him to sleep Kaeya says wait until the last second. He sits up and holds his hand out. The action leaves the room spinning and his vision blurry.

"Don't...leave..." Kaya says as he promptly passes out, his head comforted by the blanket and mattress underneath him.

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