Light of day

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"Letter writing is the only device for combining solitude with good company." ~Lord Byron

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Entering the Acting Grand Master's office she sits at her desk, papers flood it. The door is already open, but Kaeya opens it fully and the creaking of the door brings her head up. Her head shakes a little. A smile spreads across her face when she sees the little boy, her eyes look tired.

"Kaeya, you didn't leave," Jean says standing up.

One of Kaeya's eyebrows rises. "You thought I was going to leave?"

"Oh, no. I didn't know if you were going to run away or not after you went to the extra room. You seemed like you were going to leave, so I watched for you last night," Jean explains.

"Oh," Kaeya says with a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Jean I have your-" Lisa says coming into the room with a cup of coffee before she notices Kaeya. "Oh, hello cutie. Did you have a good night's sleep?"

Kaeya doesn't respond. First thought she was too motherly and still thought that, but now he didn't really care. When they went to the library they didn't bother them. The only thing that bothered him was when she called him 'cutie'.

He didn't like that.

"Thank you Lisa." Jean takes a big gulp from the cup and puts it down having finished almost half of the coffee. "Now that I'm more awake we can start."

The purple librarian leaves, but not without doing her weird wcmace with her hand.

"Kaeya." Jean walks over to her book shelf, and grabs a book; the color is teal. She walks over to the bluenette and hands over the book, "This is the Knights of Kavonius Handbook - 5th Edition. Please read this on your trip."

"What trip?"

A woman enters the room, she looks like a maid because of her outfit. It's black, white, and magenta. Her hair is lavender.

"Acting Grand Master Jean, Noelle reporting for duty," she says.

"Oh Noelle, just the person I wanted to see," Jean says. "You will be Kaeya's caregiver for the time being. I'm sure you have been informed of his current condition."

"Yes, Acting Grand Master," Noelle says, looking at Jean then at Kaeya. "Hello, Sir Kaeya."

Kaeya smiles. He liked this woman.

"Excuse me Acting Grand Master but shouldn't we first focus on curing Kaeya from the spell?" Noelle asks. "And how exactly do we cure him?"

Jean sighs. She doesn't want to answer the question. "To answer your second question, to reverse the spell all Albedo said was that he had to be loved."

"Loved?" She questions.

"I don't really know. Everyone in Mondstadt loves him, but he shows no sign of aging. I don't know what to do," Jean explains while subconsciously playing with the book by turning it around. "With Abyss mages showing up at our borders and hilichurls getting closer... I need to prioritize. Yes, I care about Kaeya, but protecting lives is my main priority. Maybe sending him to Diluc is for the best..."

"Diluc?" Kaeya says, his voice rising. The two women look at the boy. Stars sparkle in his eyes.

"Yes, we are sending you to your... brother," Jean says, pausing before saying the relationship title. "If you choose, you can become a knight. If you choose the other route then-"

"I won't," Kaeya says with a smile.

"When will we be leaving?" the maidly knight asks.

Jean makes her way toward the group of two with the real book in hand. "As soon as possible, I'll have a cart ready for you at the main entrance. Though I think Kaeya would like breakfast before then," Jean says, winking at the boy.

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