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Kaeya pops up from his bed. Sweat and wetness surrounding him and his blanket. Labored breaths surrounding his face. "You're fine... You're alright," he says while taking deep breaths.

A sigh escapes his mouth as he catches his breath. His dreams were all memories of the week he was under the spell. Thoughts of running away, Klee, Ella Musk, his heart breaking at the first sight of adult Diluc, the maids, getting burned, training, Celi Boya, Diluc leaving, more training, Albedo, Khanrea'iahan Magic, Mita, the first fight with the abyss, the second one, Mani, Bloody Diluc, then what he thought was a dream but was real.


The child bluenet unsheathed his sword walking down a cave like tunnel. Water drips down into puddles. He wears a wide smile, like many children have when they are on an adventure.

Kaeya watches his younger self in curiosity now knowing what to expect a little bit more. He feels a little gritty too and lets out a chuckle.

That all ends when the boy gets attacked by abyss mages. The dream-like memory fades to black until the sun comes out. He's been teleported to Mondstadt.

He watches the boy play with Klee and a commoner. Something in his brain tells him that her name is Ella Musk. He doesn't remember seeing her prior.

"Kaeya..." a voice calls.

Kaeya looks around. He recognizes that voice. Blinking himself awake, Kaeya opens his eyes to see Klee and Ella Musk.

"Good morning!"

"Aba mosi dada," Ella says, looking at the ground as if in shame.

"Ada mosi dada," Kaeya repeats, as if that was his first language.

"You know hilichurlian?" Ella's head shoots up to see the Cavalry Captain's only visual eye. His black eye patch covers the lighter colored one.

"What's... hilichurlian ?" Kaeya says slowly.

"You just said good morning in hilichurlian."

"I did?"

"Do you remember when we talked to the hilichurls?" Ella asks.

"Uh... no," Kaeya answers. "Sorry?"

Ella sighes.

"Cheer up Ella," Klee says, patting her friend's shoulder. "Big bro Albedo said that Sir Kaeya would eventually get his memories back."

"I guess," Ella says.

The two girls leave the infirmiry, but not without saying their goodbyes.

"Good bye, Kaeya!"

"Get well in hilichurlian."


Kaeya watches as his younger self runs to his room also known as "Solitary Confindment". The boy getting ready to escape and run away. Kaeya looks at his younger self in sadness. Jean stops him thankfully and makes a deal.

His dream changes into Dawn Winery. A familiar sight. There the maids and Noelle play with younger Kaeya and joke with him. Hillie and Moco were never there for his actual childhood, but they were pretty funny in this week-long childhood.

When we wakes up, it's just like it was in his dream because the maids were walking into the infermiry.

"Here he is," Noelle says, leading the other three ladies inside.

"Hello Adelinde," Kaeya says.

"Good day, Master Kaeya. Are you well?" The head maids asks.

"I am." Kaeya makes a small nod. Hillie and Moco stay behind Adelinde. "Come closer," Kaeya says, motioning his hand towards himself so they would get closer to him. "Do you remember when we were outside having a picnic? And we were talking about my tile?"

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