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The suns rises making a beautiful sunrise. The colors of pink, blue and golden mix in the sky making it look more like a watercolor painting, not one of many of Mother Nature's beauties.

Kaeya wakes up in his bedroom in the Knights of Favonious Headquarters. Something he hasn't gotten to do in about a month with all the craziness he has been doing. With a big yawn and his arms pumped into the air, Kaeya wakes up and changes into his usual outfit. Putting on a pair of red earrings instead of his usalal blue ones. The red ones being a present from Diluc. He combs his hair with his hands making sure they look great and he opens the door to start another glorious day of being the Cavalry Captain of Mondstadt.

He walks down the grand staircase and says good morning to Amber who is also doing the same.

"Are those new?" She asks, noticing his new earrings. She looks at them in admiration and curiosity.

"Yup, they sure are."

"Who are they from?"

"It's a secret."

"What's a secret?" A little girl dressed in red asks, a bomb in her hand. "Klee wants to know."

"Kaeya's mysterious new earrings," Amber answers.

Klee looks at Kaeya's red earrings with wonder in her eyes. "They are very pretty. Klee likes the color red!"

A smile spreads on Kaeya's face as he sees his friend's face brighten out with happiness. "Would you like to join me on my patrol today?" Kaeya asks the red clad females.

"Sure!" they both say.

Kaeya continues to walk, now with Amber and Klee by his side and exits the Knights of Favonious Headquarters. They walk down to the city square where Albedo and Ella Musk were talking with a pyro hihlichurl near them listening to their conversation.

"—can talk to hilichurls? That's so cool!" Ella says jumping once with her excitement.

The quiet alchemist smiles, "Yes and no. I command hilichurls more than talk to them."

"So, does that mean you can understand Celi Boya?" Ella asks. The red hilichurl looks up at the mention of his name.

"Celi Boya, I am," the hilichurl speaks in broken english.

Kaeya joins the three under the alchemist. "I can also make hilichurls." He faces Celi Boya. "You're getting better at talking, Celi Boya," the Cavalry Captain compliments.

"Thank," Celi Boya says.

"Celi Boya y Ella want bring English to friends."

"That's right," Ella Musk says, stealing Kaeya's attention. "My father says that Celi Boya is technically an adult so I can go into the wild with him."

"That's great to hear."

"That reminds me," Amber says, cutting into the conversation. "I have to go tell people to stop destroying hilichurl camps. Jean says that they will be more like natural parks or private property to the hilichurl tribes. With this new alliance and communication, hopefully they will less hilichurl attacks."

"Amber, friend." Celi Boya says, taking her hand. Amber awkwardly smiles and laughs it off. "Sure. We can be friends."

"Do you want me to come?" Kaeya asks. "I could help with the communication."

"Yeah, I think that would help," Amber admits.

And off they went into the wild. Amber had a marked map where most of the hilichurl camps were or at least the ones which caused the most trouble with Modstadt and traders. Slowly they made their way through each camp, talking and explaining in Hilichurlian that humans would not attack them or destroy their homes. We had fun being outside, but once a hilichurl tribe didn't like them so Kaeya had to take off his eye patch and create a leader to help the communication go smoother even if it was just forcing them into it. It would be better in the long run.

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