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Summer was coming to an end, three months you had been kept locked away from the world by your lover. Dabi couldn't say he was sorry, it was easier for him this way. You were safe with him, or at least safer than you were before. Being with a top villain painted a target on your back if anyone found out. These thoughts kept him up at night, he had to make sure you were safe. Safe in his apartment all locked up like the beautiful stolen treasure you were. Though you acted like he was torturing you, the tantrums you threw, the hitting and biting, not to mention the escape attempts. You were reckless and thankless to him in those early weeks, but by the end of the second month, the most you'd do is cry. And Dabi can handle crying. He actually quite likes it, the way you look at him with those big watery eyes, cheeks red and tear-stained. Dabi was happy you still kept up with at least the tears, he'd be lying if he said it didn't do anything for him. He especially loved it when you cried but tried to hide it. Worried that he'd get mad at you for making a fuss about him touching you. But oh, oh how he lived for those plump tears, how he lived for causing them. Dabi was selfish for that and he knew it, but he's had a shit life with his family and everyone who turned their back on him. He deserved this, he at least deserved you like his sweet little cry baby. All his to do what he wanted to. Dabi couldn't hold himself back, he had to find where you were in the apartment. Maybe you'd give him a little show with those tears. Crying softly as his scarred hands roamed your body. So soft compared to him, everything about you was soft compared to him, your skin, your personality, your ideals. You couldn't protect yourself out there, you were just a little crybaby who needed him, a big strong man to save you. Only he could be the cause of your tears now, only he could see the beauty in them. You were for his eyes only, you knew that. The thought of how you knew you were his now, never being able to escape his groping hands. You were a little thing to protect, his thing to make all of the wrongs in his life right again, even while you cried the days away with him

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