Open Up

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Dabi couldn't figure out why were acting so off the last few months. Sure he had kidnapped you and killed your partner, but didn't you see he was doing what was best for you? That he was trying to protect you at all costs? You were so helpless and defenceless without him. You were so easy to kidnap, so oblivious to his stalking, to the stuff in your place going missing. Such a dumb little thing he thought. Which is why he didn't understand why you wouldn't accept him. You needed him. This thought only strengthens when he caught you changing one day, it was the first time in months he had seen you naked. You had lost weight, not just a few pounds from the stress he would think may happen. No, this was extreme. What had happened? Weren't you eating the food he left you when he went out for a few days on missions? Why weren't you eating?

He couldn't take the guessing anymore, he decided that he'd ask you why once you got out of the shower. He wanted to make sure his sweet little babydoll was doing okay. He should probably make dinner, he can feed you. He doesn't care if he has to strap you to a chair in order to make you eat. You were going to and you were going to gain the weight back.

You did indeed end up strapped to one of the kitchen chairs. You tried to make up excuses that you were a picky eater. True but Dabi had stalked you for weeks and knew what you liked and didn't. You said you were just feeling unwell recently. Lies, it had to of been months of not eating. He just wanted the truth, wanted to help you. Now it had come to this. Dabi force-feeding you. "Just open up." His hands were squeezing your cheeks, trying to open your mouth. Once he managed to, he forced the spoon of soup in. Only to have it spat back in his face. You smiled at him. "You fucking Brat!" The smile was gone. "If you don't eat this fucking dinner and everything I make for you, I'll just strap you to the bed. Be my little fuck toy until you learn some fucking manners." Dabi stormed off to go clean off the soup. If you knew what was good for you, you'd start eating whatever he gave you.

Dabi ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now