Just Be Mine

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To say that Dabi was in love with you was an understatement. It was more of an obsessive kind of love. He needed to always be near you, taking all of your time. Even getting angry when you choose to hang out with your friends over him. Choosing to stalk during these outings. He needed to know everything you did, what if someone came onto you and wouldn't leave you alone? You'd need his help, you always needed him. After all, you were so helpless, so useless compared to him. You needed a big strong man to protect you.

After some time Dabi began to cut your freedoms. Of course all under the guise of needing your help with something, or needing some quality time together. Eventually, you hadn't seen anyone else, but Dabi in over a month. but by this point, it was too late. He already had you right where he wanted you. You had no one, but him. You were his and he was yours, whether you liked it or not. So just let him take care of you baby, let him spoil and fuck you. He promises you'll get used to it and love it.

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