First Date

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It was such a beautiful night, thank goodness. You were worried that it was going to rain tonight like it had all week. The good weather came just in time for your date tonight. You were so excited, it had been months since you had gone on a date. Far too long since your last interactions with someone you liked. The plan tonight was Dabi was to pick you up at 8 pm, then to go get dinner near the festival and maybe go on some rides. Dabi had been so sweet, he remembered you mentioned how you liked festivals when you first met. He may look tough and harsh, and well as with most people. But with you, he seemed like a whole different person. This was your first official date with him. Sure you had grabbed coffee with him a few times, but nothing like this. It was 6:30, good, you still had time to take a shower and get ready. Quickly applying a hair and face mask, you started a shower. Grabbing some vanilla body wash you got to work, you spent the time in the shower thinking about the festival and Dabi. Did he like festivals as well, did he like rides, what kind of place did he pick to eat at? You wondered so much about him. He seemed like a mystery even though he wasn't a stranger to you.
Dabi remembered how you loved festivals, the rides, the desserts, the lights and the overall atmosphere of them. Something you had mentioned the first time you guys had met. You were so sweet, so kind to everyone, you had such a positive outlook on the world. A world that hadn't burned you as it had him. But he'd make sure you never would have to go through that, he would keep you safe. This date was just the first step in taking you away in order to do that. This date would lead you right into Dabi's arms, you'd be wrapped around his finger if this date went right. it had to go right. He couldn't lose you. Getting ready for a date in a very public setting was difficult when you were a famous villain. Dabi tried everything. Masks? No, you'd think he was scared of people and germs. Sunglasses? No, it was going to be dark, he'd look like a douchebag to you. Guess he had to go with the good ole hat and turtleneck. It's a good thing the place he chose to grab food at had outside seating. They also served your favourite food. Dabi remembered everything you told him. You really were an open book. So easy to get to know, so easy to learn things. Like your favourite food, where you went to school, your childhood, and so much more. He had only known you for a few weeks. If Dabi wasn't in love with you, he could use all of this information against you if he wanted. So trusting, so naive, and all his.
It was now 7:30 and you were starting to get dressed. Should you wear something cute? Casual? Or maybe something more flirty? Why were dates so complicated. Maybe something mixed with cute and flirty? Ya, that seemed like a safe option. You grabbed a cute dress, one that hugged your figure, but not too much. It was your favourite colour, simple yet looked so cute. As you looked at the clock you realized it was 7:55. Shit, had it taken you that long to pick an outfit and get dressed. Shit, Shit, he would be here any moment now. You quickly scrambled to get your spring jacket and shoes. Grabbing your purse you checked you had everything you needed, your phone, your wallet, some make for touchups. Yup, everything was there. Now all you needed was for Dabi to show up.
It was finally 8:00. Dabi knocked on your door. You liked punctual people right? That was something you mentioned before. Dabi could be that, he could be whatever you needed him to be. As you opened the door he was pulled out of his thoughts. All he could do was stare at you. You looked heavenly in that dress, it hugged your body just right. Maybe too well, maybe he should push you into your apartment and show you what that dress did to him. Bend you over your kitchen counter, lift that dress up over your ass. He would show you what you did to him, he would defiantly show you that you belonged to him. Was this date even needed, he could just take you now and make you, his. "Hey Dabi, you good?" Your voice broke him out of his thoughts. You sounded so concerned, so sweat. "Ya sorry, you took me off guard when opening the door" Dabi let out a small laugh, hoping his lie was believable. "Should we get going?" The faster you guys left, the less likely he was to fuck you right then and there.
The two of you headed out, deciding to walk to the place since it was nice out and only a couple of blocks.
Dabi had picked a nice location for you two to get some food. It had something you liked and something for him. Plus it had a nice outside seating that had a great view. Dabi was sure you'd love this pace. As the two of you sat down, your face relieved that he was right. You looked around astonished at the view. It was breathtaking, the trees, the city line, just everything about it was so beautiful. It was as if the view was where the city met nature. "You like it?" Dabi's voice snapped you out of admiring the view. You nodded and smiled. After ordering food you decided to use this time to get to know your date. "So Dabi, what do you do? Like for a job?" He seemed to freeze at that question. "Umm, I do some boring office shit. Basically, I'm my bosses bitch" He laughed at the last part. You joined in. Was that vague? No, maybe he didn't like his job and didn't want to talk about it. You understood that. As the night went on you found yourself falling for him more and more. He was so sweet to you and funny. So different than what you used to. He seemed like he genuinely cared for you, cared about you as a person rather than what you had to offer him. As the date went on, you were sure you were falling in love with him.
The look in your eyes told Dabi everything, you were falling for him. Getting wrapped around his finger, you were becoming his and it was only the beginning of the date. The festival was sure you complete his goal. You were to be his fully soon. As the two of you wrapped up dinner, he made sure to pay. Girls liked when guys did that still right? You seemed to as you smiled when he told you he took care of dinner. It was no problem, he had robbed some stores the weeks before in preparations for all your future dates. He was gonna take care of you. Dabi pulled out your chair and helped you with your coat. He saw the look you had, the blush that spread across your face. You were so sweat and innocent. Blushed so easily, simply by him helping you with your chair and jacket. He was going to have so much fun ruining such an innocent little thing like you.
Finally, the two of you arrived at the festival, it was dark now so the lights of the rides and booths were illuminating the night. As the two of you walked around, Dabi made a grab at your hand. You relaxed into his hand. He was so warm, so comforting. As the two of you passed some funnel cake booths, you couldn't help but let out a little gasp. You use to always get funnel cakes with chocolate sauce and ice cream when you were a kid. In your opinion, they were one of the best parts of festivals. "You want one?" Dabi caught you admiring the desserts. "Umm, no it's fine. Plus I'm full from dinner" You lied, you really wanted some but you didn't think you had any cash on you, plus you felt bad for making him pay for it. "That's a lie. Let's get some. I've never had any so we can share in case I don't like it." Before you could say anything Dabi began to walk toward the booth. You two ordered, Dabi letting you pick what to get on it. Trusting your opinion on the dessert. The two of you walking to find a place to sit and eat. Quickly you guys found a nice little place a bit away from everyone. A semi-private and quiet area in such a chaotic environment. As Dabi dug in for his first bite you couldn't help but watch him hoping he'd like it. "Not half bad." He muttered as he went in for a second bite. The two of you ate and laughed at jokes, Dabi's mainly being about the people that passed by you guys. He looked so sweet under these lights and the night sky. Almost like he was a different guy than the one you first met. Sure he had always been sweet to you, but a few times you've caught him snapping at others and just being rude. But this couldn't be the same guy, no this guys was so sweet and even tipped the waiter at the restaurant well. He was someone you could see yourself with.
The look in your eyes told Dabi everything. He had you, you had fallen for him and from what he could tell you had fallen hard. He would do everything in his power to make you happy with him. He'd become exactly the mad you needed from him. He would make sure you were taken care of. That you were protected. I mean how dumb could you be that you hadn't realized he was a villain, I mean he even gave you his villain name. So dumb and oblivious, those were contributing factors to why he liked you. Why you had first caught his eye. He needed to protect you from this world, if it wasn't him it would have been someone else. Someone worse who would have taken advantage of you. He would protect you from them, he would become everything you ever needed.
As the date wrapped up, it was around 1 am. Dabi insisted on walking you home to make sure you were safe. He told you of all the creeps that roamed around at this time. You agreed, thinking how sweet it was that he cared so much for your safety. The walk home was filled with pleasant conversations. You both talked about what you both wanted in the future, you were surprised when he mentioned he wanted a family one day, to simply do better than his father. That was the most personal he had gotten, maybe he was opening up. You wanted to question him more but he looked so upset mentioning his father you didn't want to push in any further. As you arrived at your place you thanked Dabi for the night. "That was probably the best date I've ever been on. Thank you." He just smirked and agreed that it was the best for him too.
Dabi wanted nothing more than to push you up against the door and smash his lips on yours, but he refrained himself. He still needed for you to trust him more. He was sure you wouldn't resist him if he did, but he knew he wouldn't be able to stop at just a kiss so it was better to just hold off completely. Though to his surprise, you leaned in to plant a soft chaste kiss on his cheek. "Thank you, Dabi. I loved the date. Maybe I can see you again soon?" Hook line and sinker. "Of course babe. Let me know a day you're free and I'm all yours." You said your goodbyes and walked into your place. How long could he hold he keep this little charade up, this little performance where he was a top citizen and not a criminal known for multiple deaths. He had to keep it up for as long as it took. Though he should get his room ready for you in case you did find out the truth and had to speed his plan up a bit. Either way, you were his and he'd kill anyone who got in the way of that.

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