Be Good

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Your head was killing you. Fuck, what happened. Opening your eyes you realize that you weren't in your room. Your room had large windows, a small bed and a shit load of your stuff. This place however had none of it. Bare concrete walls and no windows. You try to put the pieces of what little you remember together. You were out with a few friends, you went to dinner, then you guys walked a bit... then...then... shit, you don't know what happened after then. Maybe this was the doing of one of your friends, no none of them live in basement apartments.

You decided to try to get up to check the door. You suddenly trip due to the pressure of something stopping you. A chain, a chain and a cuff around your ankle. The panic set in faster. This wasn't a friend of a friend's place like maybe you hoped. This was something else, something horrible.

The door shot open. Causing you to freeze. Someone was there. Someone was coming closer. "Get back on the bed. Those chains don't go far". It was a man, but you couldn't see his face fully. "W-where am I?" The fear in your voice was obvious. you tried to hide it not wanting to seem too weak but if these were your last moments then it didn't matter. "Our place. Now get back on the bed, don't make me ask again". There was anger laced in his voice. You didn't want to find out what would happen if you had to ask again.

"That's a good girl". He came forward. You recognized that face. It was all over the news, Dabi one of the biggest villains. "Why am I h-here?" Tears were forming in your eyes, he was going to kill you, that what he did. "Shhh shhh" was he...wiping your tears away. "I'm not going to hurt you. That is if you listen, okay baby girl?" He took your chin in his hand. He looked so.. soft? Even with all his scars, he looked at you with such a soft expression. Like you were little and weak.

All you could do is nod. The words were stuck in your throat but even if they weren't you were scared that if you said what you really wanted to it would cause more trouble than fulfilling whatever he wanted. "Good. Now, do you know who I am?" You nodded. "Goodgirl. And I know who you are y/n. I know everything about you" his grip on your chin moved to your cheeks. He was squeezing so tight. "Which means if you even try to fucking leave or disobey I'll kill everyone you know. That means mommy and daddy and all your little friends. If you understand nod" you nodded. His smile was the largest you've ever seen. It looked so misplaced on his face. "you're mine. A little reward for a job well done. My little toy, my pet. So do what I say and we'll both be a happy doll." What the hell does that mean. Your heart was racing, what did he want from you. "Lay down and spread your legs". You lost all feeling at those words. He wanted more than just companionship. He really did want a little toy and you were sacrificed to feed this monster's hunger.

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