Heya again

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I would give the whole introduction speech but since it's a sequel chances are you probably already know me-

Anyways to fill you up cause it's been a long time and it's okay if you don't remember-

Sky woke up and was confused about whats reality, what she previously saw, what she is seeing or are all three fake-


I was pretty careless with it tbh, so fair enough, I'm using my sister's for now, so there might be some mistakes, not the same company and it doesn't have my extensions which I could download but I'm too lazy and I am not going to be keeping you any longer if you have come this far that is.

Thank you so much, for the support on the previous one, for reading this one and hopefully liking and supporting it as well, that being said the first chapter might be a little normal but it's supposed to be she just woke up after all.

And yeah that's it.

Thanks, guys.

Adios. Enjoy. Whatever.

Adios really now, stop scrolling byeee-

I really meant it you know-


Bieeeee personnnn seriouslyyyy bieeeee-

Adios :) 

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