Chapter 4

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Juliet was practically like a second sister to my brothers with the time she spent with me in the house, usually joining in on the family movie nights, dinners or just talking about random stuff. I never really understood why she chose to be so close to me, when she could easily be friends with more outgoing or normal people, go to high-school parties yada yada yada.

I could tell both Francesco and Lucien were glad I had her, and so was I, to be honest, it's just she could do so much better.

Maybe that's why when she proposed the idea of sneaking out to a party, I said yes. She did say we could just stay in as well, but Juliet loves food, and parties, and being social, and since she hung out with me quite often, she could never spend all her time doing those, and it was time I did something for her.

I could say no because when I thought about it, I knew it wouldn't be safe for me, and both my brothers, even Lucien though he does not seem that kind of brother, would be mad but the twinkle in Juliet's olive eyes when I said yes, the way her pink lips pulled into an excited grin, the way she threw her head back, jostling naturally blonde ombre hair in the process as she let out an excited squeal followed with a yay. The way she gushed as she talked about the thrill, about some of the people who were going to be there, about how she'd finally get introduce me, about how we'd have the time of our lives, about how I won't regret it made me sure I had made the right choice and ignored that nagging voice telling me it was wrong and that my brothers' wouldn't be very happy with me.

I loved the fact this made Juliet happier than I'd ever seen her. I loved that I made her laugh.

Right now though we were both on the couch, watching Brooklyn 99, we both loved the show, as it is our, or at least my comfort show after all. Lucien had just returned because his case was moved forward, and he'd decided to take an hour for himself, whereas Francesco was still at his office, they worked a lot, Francesco was according to me and Juliet built this way and Lucien enjoyed his job a lot, his work made him happy.

"Owww" I whined when I felt someone tugging my hair, and not letting go, taking me out of my thoughts. "Let goooo"

Lucien let go, came so that he was standing in front of me, leaned down, and tugged my hair again.

It hurt a lot, not enough to make me cry but enough to make me groan and whine.

"Luccc" I whined and he just stared at me, irritation visible clearly in his eyes 

"You took my chocolates"

"No" My eyes widened "I would never"

"Careful" He tugged a little harder, this why I hate having him as a brother, it was either him tickling me, hanging me upside down, pulling my hair or throwing me in water to get what he wanted instead of just asking me like a normal human.

Juliet just watched amused.


"You did" He stated again before letting go.

I sighed relieved which lasted for about a minute because the next thing I knew was, hanging over Lucien's shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

I punched his back "Let me down"


Next, I heard Juliet squeal and saw her on his other shoulder.

"Lucien, I swea"-

"Shush." Lucien said coldly "Save it"


"Tut tut tut Little sister" Lucien admonished as he walked over to the backyard "You don't know when to shut up do you?"

"You do whatever, kill people, set things on fire, kidnap kids" He paused and then I felt myself in the air a second before getting chills down my spine as water enveloped me, I swam up, gasping for breath; Juliet did the same "But you do not touch my chocolates"

I splashed water onto him which he dodged away from easily and Juliet glared at Lucien.

"I was going to wear this all day! you ruined my favourite outfit"

"I was going to eat some of my chocolates while in the office! You ruined my plan"

"You can buy more chocolates!"

"You can buy another same pair of clothes"

"You're an adult, I'm a teen! not to mention chocolates are cheaper and I'm not rich."

"Sounds like a personal problem to me"

With a nonchalant shrug my brother walked back into the house.

Juliet huffed.

I huffed.

And I'm pretty sure he smirked.


Juliet changed into some clothes she left behind last time and pulled her hair into a high pony and I let mine loose.

"Don't you feel weird when water drips down your back?"


"Then why aren't you tying your hair?"

"I don't know, the sensation keeps telling me I'm awake I guess"

"Okay, I'm hungry" She stated "I'm gonna go get some food"

I stood up too.

"Let's go before Francesco comes, he told me we'd have salad for lunch and I'm not in the mood"

We quickly skipped downstairs and just because of my luck, Francesco came in.

"You're back?"

He shrugged.

"I didn't have any meetings today and could easily do the rest of the work upstairs and why are your hair wet?"

"Lucien threw us in a pool" I immediately complained and Juliet nodded.

"They stole my chocolates"

"We just borrowed them permanently" Juliet glared at my brother.

"wE jUsT bOrRoWeD tHeM pErMaNteLy" Lucien mocked in a high-pitched tone and we both huffed in sync. Francesco just shook his head.

"I made lunch today" Lucien walked to the kitchen and I perked up.


"It's Salad" He winked 

So close.

"I hate you" I mumbled nudging Lucien as I walked by him.

"Oh that's cool, I love you too" Lucien pulled a chair for me happily, glee all over his face.

Would anyone say that this guy is an adult because I don't think so.

Juliet just shrugged sitting down next to me.

"Can we have ice cream after?"

"You can" Francesco then pointed at me "You can't"

"Oh come on" I groaned.

"Enough junk for the day" He placed the plates on the table and Lucien got the cutlery. "You can have some tomorrow or the day after"


"Depends if you're good"

"I'm not five!"

All three of them laughed and Juliet and I shared a glance after she was done laughing at my expense because after all which five year old sneaks out to a high-school party?

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