Adios Amigos.

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Adios D'Angelos more like.

Anyhoo, yeah, which reality is real is still not set in stone (there are clues though, if you're observant you'll probably have it figured out by now) you guys can believe which ever one you want too.

Tbh it was the perfect ending for me, it's open to your perception and looking back I've come far. With this whole writing thing.

Thank you so much for your patience and support <3

There will be new stories, new loves, new lives, new deaths and new traumas so make sure you follow me to get notified about them.

The next book I publish (not re publish, that'll prolly be Blood tho) will be Her Charm, it's a book I've been day dreaming  about since a long time, I hope you stay for it, and that's all I got :)

Adios Amigos. Keep safe and if you ever need anyone to talk to, know where to find me.

Adios (Amigos)👋🏻

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