Chapter 6

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'I've been all night, no sleep, cause I feel like I'm always dreaming'

We dance laughing, our hair getting tangled up in the wind.

'All night, no sleep, Cause I feel like I'm always dreaming'

Juliet grinned at me, and I grinned back as we did our secret handshake in the middle of dancing.

'Cause I feel like I'm always dreaming'

My eyes shot open as I looked around frantic, I wasn't tied nor was I in a dungeon, but in what looked like a royal room, the kind we have in a mansion of ours.

We only stay there in December anyway.

I didn't move out of my position but let my eyes roam around the room, there were heavy-looking grey curtains, the floor was dark wood but the area near the bed was covered with a grey carpet, a black table with a lamp was placed on the table.

I took in a deep breath, it'll do me no good panicking, I need to be rational. If I was captured by who I think I was...There was a pretty good chance I'd be caught as soon as I stepped out of this bedroom for a fact. 

I slowly slipped out from under the blankets and took a light step towards the balcony door when a knock on the door startled me, I immediately turned towards the door just in time see Aurora Black to saunter in as though she owned the place...which she probably does.

"'re Alina's little half-sister"

"I...I think so?"

"Yes" I heard the voice belonging to the man who kidnapped me "You are, otherwise she wouldn't have me waste my very, very, very fucking precious time to pick up a 13-yer-old kid"

"I'm sixteen"


"Nic" Aurora turned slightly to face the man with dark blue eyes "Play nice"

"Don't tell me what to do"

"Well, you're being a fucking jerk, and that's not"-

"Mind your bloody language" He hissed tugging at her hair but the gentle way he did it in was visible "As for being a jerk, she hasn't seen me be one nor have you so"-

"And they never will" A third voice interrupted, where do they turn up from? But it was slightly different, the power it held to be exact, Nico left his sister alone and both of them straightened up slightly, even I looked at the ground nervously, I had no idea what to expect. "Am I clear?"

"As a crystal" Nico Black muttered in response after a minute and her gaze switched to Aurora, she didn't even have to ask before Aurora blurted out her answer.

"I brought her food, Austin said she'd be light-headed and it kind of sucks to be drugged" Aurora looked at Nico "I speak from experience"

"Well, I wouldn't have done that had you simply obeyed me"

"Are you for real?!"

"No, I'm actually a fragment of your imagination"


"Enough" Alina's voice was crisp as she took the tray of food from Aurora's hands and placed it on the desk before pointing at the door "Out"

I thanked Aurora for the food but poiletly declined and soon I was left alone with who was previously my highway to hell and currently half-sister with a chilly cold gaze.


Alina had blue eyes, sharp blue eyes, with specs of white in them, a sharp jawline and cheekbones. She was dressed in a black suit, a dark blue shirt which for the first few seconds looked black too and had I not been in observation mood, I would have never noticed, without a tie, the first two buttons popped open, a silver chain around her neck, the pendant hidden beneath the shirt, similar to what Nico and Aurora were wearing around their necks too.

And looking at her cold no-nonsense face I was sure that I was not here for some fun sibling bonding.

"Have a seat, Skylar." She spoke motioning to the bed and noticing my hesitation added: "That was not a question."

I silently sat down, suddenly very self-conscious...Shit the makeup must be ruined and horrible, and my hair-

"I wonder if Francesco knew about this little outing of yours" She ever so slightly mockingly tilted her head, so subtly I might have never noticed. "Did he?"

"He...He knew" I spoke at last "I might have been a little over the curfew but he knew"

"So let me get this straight, your brother who is so overprotective he has had you home-schooled, allowed you to go a beach party, organised by a bunch of drunk high-schoolers nothing less, without any adult supervision whatsoever?"

"Technically the DJ was 21..." I tried pathetically and she simply raised her eyebrow "I mean, It took all week and an awful load of guilt-tripping to get him to let me go"

Aline chuckled, I could not tell whether it was with humour or without and stared into my though looking straight into my soul. I shivered.

"Tell me, dear Skylar, do you take me as a fool?"




"No" I nodded gaze downcast and she pulled a chair in front of me, placing two fingers under my chin so I had no choice but to look at her.

"Are you allowed to do this?"


"S..So I can le-leave?"


I wanted to cry and call for Francesco and the other part of me wanted to stab her in her chest and run out as fast as possible and I couldn't do either.

"Why?" I whispered

"Why?" She leaned back "Because our dear mother was a slut. Because you might be lawfully Francesco's responsibility but you are mine, my responsibility just as much as Aurora as is. Just as much the rest of them are and for a minute if Francesco fucks up, this room will be yours permantly"

"You can't do that" I protested weakly with a shake of my head and she let out a small snicker, she was doing this on purpose, showing small gestures carrying emotions, being the other Skylar I knew this much. I also knew she could do whatever she wanted.

No! Some part of me protested You have two head-strong siblings by your side.

"Tell me, little one, what makes you think there's anyone in the world to stop me from getting what I want?" 

"Francesco and Lucien wouldn't just.."

"No, they wouldn't just let you go but that does not ensure they'd win, after all I'm more powerful than both of them combined, have more influence than you'd believe, not to mention the fact a jury would usually rule out in the favour of the female in custody battles."

"But I grew up with them, and there criminal records of your...cousins? everywhere."

"Siblings" She said sharply "Siblings and if you think your...our brothers are perfect they aren't, besides that my siblings won't be gaining your custody, I would"

Her phone dinged and she glanced at the screen standing up.

"Your brothers are here, but remember what I said? One toe out of line and you'll be here, and there'll be no one who'd be able to remedy that"

I just nodded and she finally seemed pleased.

"Good girl"


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Anywho how's everyone? I hope you're doing great and if you need to talk I'm here for you <3

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