Chapter 7.

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They were mad.

I could see it in their eyes but more than that they were concerned. It was practically radiating off both my brothers.

"Come here" Francesco murmured so softly I almost didn't hear, his arm pulling me towards as soon as I was in an arms distance and checked me over.

"Francesco" Alina's still cold and authoritative voice made me gulp slightly.

My brother gently pushed me to Lucien's side who immediately wrapped his arm around me.

"If you're incapable of taking care of her, I will do the needful"

"By kidnapping her?" I couldn't see Francesco's face but was pretty sure he either frowned or raised his eyebrow.

"She snuck out" 

"We knew, she's a teen, Alina"

"She's sick"

"She's getting better"

"So you allow her to go off to a party?"

"Like you, yourself said she snuck out"

"She shouldn't be able too"

"Just like Aurora couldn't?"

I pressed into Lucien's side further at the look both Alina and Francesco sent to Lucien's way, who just shrugged, letting me stick to his side.

"Luc" I whispered once they started talking again.

Lucien stopped listening to them and switched his gaze to me. A shiver went down my spine at his look.

"Are you mad?"

"Very" My brother answered honestly.

"I'm sorry"

He didn't reply but he didn't push me away either.

And soon Francesco turned around, pulling me from Lucien to him again, walking out, his clenched jaw made it clear that Alina had won the agreement. Just like always...she always won.

My brother opened the door to the backseat and threw the keys at Lucien, who caught them expertly 


"I'm gonna go get ready for bed" My grey eyes met Francesco's who nodded allowing me to run upstairs and stand under the water.

I just stood there, warm water gushing over me, and I didn't feel myself relax, I couldn't.

I knew I fucked up.

I change the water from warm to freezing cold, shivers going through my body as the chilly water ran through my hair and over me but I didn't care about that because I knew something else.

I knew fucked up.

So I just stood there for god knows how long, let my tears flow down my cheeks, just let the water envelop me. Whereas I did feel guilty and not so great about it, I didn't regret it. I didn't regret sneaking out to a party with my best friend or kissing. I let it happen, I made it happen because I wanted too.

I put on a tank top and shorts, hair damp, and as I walked out, I saw the sky...and I sat down in the hallway.

"What the fuck" Lucien hissed as soon as he saw me, while walking upstairs "Why the fuck are you just sitting here?"

"I'm sorry"

"Oh yeah that fixes everything"

"No Luc" I shook my head tears falling down my cheek "I really am"

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