Chapter 2

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It is 3 am already...

3:45 actually and I still couldn't sleep with thoughts running through my mind so I made a checklist, a checklist of the stuff overlapping in this reality or that, and stuff differentiating.

My brothers, check.

I need to figure out if Axel-
I mean I need to figure out if Francesco is an assassin or something remotely related to the underworld.

Lucien is still a lawyer, and I am not his associate.

About Juliet, I wasn't sure if she was real nor was I sure about Allison or Melissa.

I looked at the pieces of paper covered in my handwriting.

Things that overlap:
My brothers.
Our looks.
Lucien being a lawyer.
Axel/Francesco being concerned about small things like going to bed.

Things that I'm not sure of or don't know:
The Blacks(Why were they a part of my dreams?)
Allison Juliet or Melissa.
Will I live a sort of normal life (School etc)
The fact that this is real or that, if I do exist? If my brother exist?

Things that seem not to exist at all here:
People trying to kill me.
Axel/Kekko being a teenager
The Blacks (I don't know bout them)

I sighed as I looked at the lists.

I could get Lucien to answer the I'm not sure of questions, and asking Kekko about his underworld life might not be the best option.

I might just observe him, I'd learnt a lot about it in my previous reality after all.

Maybe if I kill myself I'll know if this is real or not? 

No, we'll go on that later.

I ripped off the IDK yet list and tiptoed into the hallway, wincing at the creaking of my door when I closed it.

The hallway was dark, I don't think anyone was awake but just to be safe, I walked quietly to Francesco's room aka the man who'd tell me off for not going to bed and put my ear to his door.

It was quiet. He's asleep.

I sighed relieved and tiptoed over to Lucien's door, putting my ear to his door just to be sure and hearing nothing opened the door to be greeted by darkness and a figure apparently sleeping on the bed.

Closing the door behind me, wincing as it did might I add, I noticed a bunch of papers on his desk that I could tell were files but at the moment didn't care for his case.

"Lucien" I poked his cheek standing next to him "Lucien"

He stirred slightly but didn't wake up.

I poked his cheek again whispering much more harshly this time"Lucien" 

My brother finally opened his slightly red eyes and blinked at me a few times.

"What are you doing here?" He asked his voice raspy and tired almost making me feel bad but I need answers desperately.

"I live here" I answered him but he didn't seem amused by the fact...In the daytime, I guess he would.

"I have some questions"

He closed his eyes but pulled up the comforter, I got in beside him, laying my down on his arm and faced him.

"I have some questions" I repeated.

He simply groaned and turned me over, pulling me closer so my back was against his chest and buried his head in my hair.

"Luciennn" I whined softly shaking his arm and he didn't move nor respond.

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