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"Kekko" A soft breaking voice woke up the half-asleep still sad teenager up and he rushed to his sister's side.

"Hey baby" He brushed off the tears off of the 8-year-old's eyes "Hey"

Without a word he lifted her up and against him, this had been the longest time she'd been out yet.

"It-t hap-happened aga-again an-and again, I-I coul-couldn't stop-p it-t", She sobbed to his shoulder, "Kekk-Kekko i-it hur-hurts" 

"I know, baby, I know" He rubbed her back "I know"

He didn't know what she felt.

He didn't know what she experienced, he didn't know what she thought up in the little brain of hers.

He did know it was terrible.

He knew if there was any way to take it off her, end her pain, he would do that even if he'd have to take it himself.

"Hey piccolo look" He help up a cookie from the jar on top of the shelf in the hospital room she'd been in since she was 3. "A cookie"

She pulled away, lip still trembling and tears still spilling to look at her brother's hand but shook her head.

"I s-saw dadd-daddy" 

He stilled for a minute.

Suddenly he knew she saw something related to the car crash, experienced the same thing again and again.

"I'm sure you're hungry, munchkin" He spoke softly sitting down with her sideways on his lap.

"Bu-But I sa-saw him"

"I know baby" He ran his hand through her hair "Did you talk?"

She shook her head.

"He just kissed my head" She pointed to a spot on her crown and Francesco nodded placing a kiss next to it before holding up the cookie to her lips, letting her nibble slightly on the sweet treat she only got when this happened or she was really good.

"Where's Luc?" Skylar looked up, eyes red, tear tracks trailing down and Francesco kissed her forehead yet again 

"He's at Harvard, sweetheart"

"Will I go to Harvard too?"

"No! Absolutely not!" He said immediately as she giggled to his chest at his reaction and words. "You're going to Yale"

He knew he'd make her laugh if he did that, in truth she could attend whichever school she pleased.

But he'd still prefer Yale.

"You'll always be there right?" She asked after it was quiet and he nodded solemnly kissing her forehead for the billionth time that night.

"So much so that you'll be so irritated of me that you'd want me gone" He joked but sighed looking at her serious face and caressed her cheek.

He brought her closer to him, tucking her in his arms tighter. "Promise kay?"

"Okay" She saved quietly still nibbling on her cookie, some small crusts falling on Francesco's clothes.

"Always" He rested his head on hers, looking out the window.


Skylar didn't know if this memory stored in her head was real or not, I mean, after all, she didn't know if anything was real or not.

Sighing she just looked in the mirror as she finished getting changed to finally get out of the building she was trapped growing up in.

Maybe one day she'd know what was real, if that memory was real, if these brothers of hers were real if she herself was real.

Until then maybe she'd just have to wait, wait and be torn between her realities.

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