Chapter 3.

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Weirdly enough, as sleepy as I felt I could not return to my peaceful slumber and it frustrated me to the extent that I punched the side of my bed.

"Shit" I groaned at the pain of wood hitting the side of my fist, and tore off the covers getting on my feet.

This day is horrible.

That's all I could think as I walked downstairs, holding my left hand in my right-

And that right there is a weird-ass sentence.

"Good Morning" A voice spoke and I looked up to see Francesco sipping coffee, scrolling through something on his phone.

"Mornin'" I muttered slumping on the chair at his right.

"Well someone's in a mood" He muttered back, put the cup down and ran a hand through my hair. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know" I mumbled with a huff and if he was displeased with my good mood, he didn't show it and instead got up.

"Pancakes, waffles, cereal or eggs?" He questioned.

"Those fluffy pancakes"

He rolled his eyes "Of course with a burnt crispy waffle beneath?"

"I love you!"I exclaimed

"And I'm taking that as yes, and I will make them"


"On one condition"

So close.


"You'll without any huffing or puffing tell me what's bothering you?"

A lot.

"And kid trust me, I'll know you're lying before you get a word out"

Maybe just confessing wouldn't be so bad.

"My hallucination" I started as he cracked the eggs, and walked to the counter, hoisting myself on it "It had these people I was running from, who scared me and you by the way shitless, and I've joined everything from that to this, why Allison was dating Luc, Melissa, you but them...I don't understand"

I am not telling this guy I'm doubting this reality right now, what if this isn't reality no matter how much I wish it were and then my subconscious could trick me deeper in.

Nu-uh not happening.

"Who baby?" He continued beating the eggs till they were fluffy and creamy like you know whipping cream.

"The Blacks"

He stopped whisking.


"Yes, yes" He shook his head and placed a kiss on my forehead, as though taking time to gather his thoughts "Listen to me carefully, alright?"

"Okay" I nodded

"You won't go snooping after what I tell you"


"Alright," He cooked the jiggly pancake and flipped it right in time for the toaster to be done.

"Get whatever syrup you want" He took a plate out and I grinned, if memory serves right, he was very on me eating healthy and it felt good that he's letting me have all this sugar, at the same time it seemed suspicious.

He put the waffle, and let me put salted caramel and chocolate syrup on it before taking the jiggly pancake, which was more of a jiggly cake-

It has a name-

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