Chapter Nineteen

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As soon as I was in my car, I sent Emmett a text.

I needed to deal with him as soon as possible. It was a risky game I was playing, keeping secrets from Aiden.

You have two hours to tell me what you want. After that it won't matter.

I sent the text and then I pulled out of the driveway. I decided that I would actually go to Dr. Collins office. That way if Emmett wanted to meet, I'd have a place.

Rather do this in person.

The text came back almost immediately. He was so predictable. I sent him the address to the building even though I was pretty sure he already knew it. I didn't want to let him know I was onto him unless I had to.

Ten minutes later I pulled up to Dr. Collins' office. She shared the office with about five other people so I wasn't worried that she would notice I was there.

Plus, even if she did, that was the least of my worries.

To my surprise, Emmett was leaned against the wall next to the entrance. He had a cigarette in his mouth as he scanned the parking lot.

He probably thought he looked cool.

I took a deep breath before exiting the car.

He noticed me immediately and his gaze ran up my body. I rolled my eyes even as disgust washed over me.

"Let's cut the bullshit and get to the point, Emmett." I said with a false bravado. Really I was nervous.

I didn't know what he would want. Even if it made me a pussy, if it was something I could give to him, I would.

Emmitt smiled, pushing himself off of the wall. "Let's not be rude, Grace. It genuinely hurts my feelings."

I crossed my arms, tapping my foot impatiently. "What do you want?"

He smiled widely. "What makes you think I want something from you?"

Was he serious?

"Maybe the text message you sent that was dripping in blackmail. Did you really do all of this to waste my time. I'm a busy girl."

As much as I wanted to, I couldn't lower the bitchiness in my tone. He just riled me up.

"Oh yeah?" He said, now standing directly in front of me. "Well then, let's chat."

I stared at him, waiting for him to continue but he said nothing. Instead he watched me, making me squirm.

"I don't have all day, Emmett."

I really didn't. I wanted to stop by Morgan's house and fill her in on my plans with Aiden.

"I assume from the meet up location, you're aware of how I got the information I have."

I clenched my teeth. Something was seriously wrong with him.

"I don't give a fuck about where you got your information. It's not why I'm here. I want to know what you want."

He wasn't looking at me now. Even though he was standing directly in front of me, his gaze was to the sky. Like he was deep in thought.

"Don't you think Aiden's a little uptight?"

Was he crazy?

"Emmett, this isn't a casual conversation between friends. I'm here because you're holding something against me. I don't want to chat. I want to find out what you want and get you out of my life."

His eyes darkened as if I had somehow offended him.

"What I want, is to ruin Aiden's day. Or his life. Or his fucking weekend. Whatever I can get."

He was starting to sound crazy.

"I can't help you with that."

Even if I could, I wouldn't.

He smiled now, his mood completely changing. "Sure you can." He tossed an arm casually over my shoulder which I immediately brushed off.

He stared at me for a moment before shrugging.

"I want to fuck you, Grace. Aiden will find out. It'll ruin his day." He paused for a minute, his smile widening. "Or his life. Or his weekend."

My stomach dropped and I felt like I was about to throw up. I knew he would want something like this. But the fact that he was doing all of this out of some plan of revenge against Aiden made me feel lightheaded.

"I'm not fucking you, Emmett. Choose something else. "

His expression stayed the same. "Don't be conceited. You're simply a means to an end. The only other way I could ruin Aiden is by letting him know that you fucked your dad, before you fucked him. It's really your choice."

What the hell.

"You're a psychopath. If Dr. Collins is your mother, I hope your taking advantage of the free mental help. You definitely need it. "

He laughed as if it was a joke. "She's my aunt actually. I couldn't believe my luck when I saw you leaving her office last week. And then I read your file. It was all just..." he kissed his fingers.

"Tell Aiden whatever you want, Emmett. And then have a chat with your Aunt. I'm done talking to you."

I didn't know if I was bluffing or not. As much as I didn't want Aiden to find out about my past, I couldn't fuck Emmett.

Like, I physically couldn't.

Even if I wanted to- which I didn't- I wouldn't be able to go through with it. I couldn't.

There had been boys who I'd tried with. I could never go through with it. I'd always panic as soon as my clothes were off.

"You'll change your mind, Grace. I'm sure of it. But just because I'm a nice guy, I'll give you two weeks. Then you can give me an answer."

He walked backwards, slowly backing away from me. "And because I'm a super nice guy, and I assume you won't be seeing my aunt anymore, I'll let you know that she thinks you have depression and Anxiety as well as pathological guilt."

I turned on my heels, heading for my car. I couldn't listen to him speak anymore.

Emmett was crazy and it seemed like he was not done trying to ruin my life.



I'm sorry that this has taken so long. I just got back into a good place.

I promise to try to update as much as I can this week since I made you guys wait so long. Thanks to all those that stuck with me. ♥️

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