Chapter Twenty Four

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We were three hours from the beach when Darian pulled into the parking lot of a hotel. It wasn't anything special but it didn't look too bad. I pressed my face against the window taking in all of my surroundings.

I didn't even know where we were but I loved it.

"Alright, that's all of the driving for tonight," Darian said, turning the car off. "Tomorrow we'll go straight to the beach. Tonight, we sleep."

Kaleigh sighed, pushing the door open and stretching her hands in the air. Her phone was grasped tightly in her clutches. "There's no signal here, moron. You had to choose a hotel in the middle of nowhere?"

Darian plucked her phone out of her hands, a smile wide on his face. "We don't need signal. We just need a bed to sleep on."

Aria waggled her eyebrows. "Preach."

I wondered what was going on between the two of them but kept my nose out of their business.

We got two rooms, one for the guys and one for the girls. Once we had the keys we headed our separate ways. Before the boys were out of earshot Aria yelled out "Meet at the pool in thirty minutes?"

Darian confirmed and then we were on our own.

The room was tiny with two queen beds and a Nightstand. There was no mini-fridge but there was a flatscreen tv and a safe. The bathroom was standard and so clean that I automatically felt comfortable.

"I'm first in the shower," Emery said, walking past us already getting undressed.

I stood next to Aria, not wanting to sit on the bed in my grungy road trip clothes. "Should we go and get the bags?" I asked.

She laughed. "The guys will bring them. We can take some shots." She handed me a bottle and I didn't even look at the brand before handing it back. 

"Not tonight."

I was challenging myself. I wanted to have a good time without alcohol. And I wanted to talk to Aiden like a normal friend. Like we used to. I felt so happy that I thought I could do it.

"Suit yourself," Aria said, chugging from the bottle. "I'm planning on getting fucked up tonight."

Kaleigh sucked her teeth. "That's just because you don't want to get fucked tonight."

I raised a brow.

Aria rolled her eyes before passing Kaleigh the bottle. "You're awfully concerned about my sex life all of a sudden."

Kaleigh took a swig before shrugging. "That's because I have eyes. You and Darian are shooting off fireworks."

Aria smiled wide, taking the bottle back and taking a deep drink. "Maybe. Damn it, I should have never come."

I was confused. "Wait a minute. You're getting drunk so that you don't have sex tonight. I've never heard of that method."

While Kaleigh burst into laughter, Aria took another swig. "Darian won't fuck me if I'm drunk. No matter what."

Okay, it made sense in a twisted sort of way.

"And I assume you don't want to fuck Darian because you guys are friends?" I was becoming more and more interested by the second. Maybe I could learn something from Aria.

She chewed on her lips. "He's always been my friend. Even before I met Kaleigh."

"Way to rub it in my face," Kaleigh said absently.

Aria ignored her. "I don't want to fuck that up. Not for sex."

It made sense. A lot of sense. Definitely in my case.

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