Chapter Fifteen

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On the drive home from the restaurant, I could feel Aiden's eyes on me. I knew he wanted to question me about my behavior at the restaurant, but I was ignoring it. It was just a moment of stupid emotions that I would feel stupid explaining to him. Especially since his whole 'I'm never going to let you break my heart' speech.

I noticed a car parked down on the street when we pulled up and Aiden cursed under his breath when he saw it. That was enough for me to be curious about it.

"Friends of yours?" I asked trying to keep things light between us.

"It's Darian and Emmett. We're supposed to go watch the races."

I knew all about the races and I had even been down there a couple of times when they had barely started. But it was not my scene. "Oh, I'll cover for you." I said for some reason. I was bluffing. There was no way I was going to be able to lie convincingly to Mr. Vincent.

He laughed. "I'm an adult Grace, you don't have to cover for me. You want to come?" He asked as we exited the car.

I didn't want to go to the races. Plus, I was emotionally exhausted, and I wanted to just go to sleep. But when a pretty brunette leaned her head out the backseat of the SUV and yelled "Move your ass, Vincent!" I couldn't stop myself from accepting his invitation.

"Just let me change really quick." I said, already rushing into the house. I scolded myself as I went through my closet looking for something to wear.

Was I being jealous or possessive? Aiden was free to hang out with as many pretty girls as he wanted. I didn't own him. I peeled my dress off, switching to a pair of shorts and a simple crew neck. I quickly pulled socks on before sliding my basic Air forces on and heading to the bathroom. I redid my perfume and brushed my teeth just incase my breath smelled like spaghetti.

Noting my fancy dinner hairstyle, I pulled my hair high, securing it with a rubber band and about a million bobby pins.

The whole ordeal took me about six minutes.

When I opened my door, Aiden was on the other side of it, his hand raised as if he was about to knock.

"Quick work, Harlow. Let's go before Darien comes in." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the stairs and I tried to convince myself that it didn't make me feel some type of way.

When we entered the car, Darian cheered, putting the big SUV in reverse.

"You could have worn the dress, Grace." He said as he sped through the neighborhood.

"You should have worn yours." I said relaxing in my seat. Feeling rude, I turned to the girls that sat next to me. There was the brunette right next to me and two girls in the seat behind me. I didn't want to come off as a bitch.

"Hi, I'm Grace." I said, sending them a smile.

The brunette handed me the bottle of Don Julio she held in her hand. "Hi grace. Take a shot will ya. The racetrack is no fun if you're sober."

I laughed tipping the bottle back and taking a small shot before handing the bottle to Aiden.

It was then that I noticed he still held my hand.

Trying not to notice it, I turned back to the brunette, who was saying something to me.

"I'm Kayleigh, that's Aria and Emery."

I did an awkward wave. It was weird that I hadn't seen the girls in town before. Aria had blue hair and her skin was a light caramel color. I couldn't tell what race she was and I didn't know if it was rude to ask but she was beautiful. Emery was pale with blazing red hair. She was pretty in a plain sort of way, she looked like she could be a model.

I couldn't help but do the math. Three beautiful girls and Aiden, Darien, and Emmett.

I was third wheeling. Seventh wheeling. That's what the hell I get for being a jealous bitch.

When the bottle made it back into my hands I took a deeper drink before passing it to Kayleigh.

I didn't say anything else for the entire ride and Aiden didn't let go of my hand.


When we arrived at the racetrack I was kinda plowed.

Kayleigh was right on my level and we leaned against each other as we walked through the crowds.

In Winterbrook Friday's and Saturday's were for partying but Sundays were for racing.

I didn't really know anyone who actually raced but everyone came to watch.

"Let's stay in a group ladies." Darien said, the only sober one out of all of us.

"You're the lady." I shot back for whatever reason and he smiled grabbing me by my shoulder.

"Good joke, why don't you tell Aiden." He said giving me a small push so that I crashed against Aiden.

"Called him a lady." I mumbled as Aiden helped me stand straight.

"You're a lightweight." he said tossing an arm around my shoulders.

That sobered me up a little bit. I didn't like being called a lightweight. "I can handle my liquor better than you." I said.

He smiled not even looking at me. "Wanna bet?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Hell yeah, where's the bottle?" I attempted to move from under his arm trying to turn to Kayleigh but he tightened his hold.

"No, stupid. Do you want to bet on the races? You gamble?"

I didn't really gamble but it was something to do. "I didn't bring any money." I said as we made it to the stand where they took bets.

"I'll spot you." To my surprise this came from Emmett.

He stuck his hand in his pocket pulling out a money clip with a few bills in it.

"My grandpa had one of those." I said pointing to the silver clip.

"Ouch." Emmet replied pulling a couple of bills out of the clip. "Who you got blondie?"

I leaned closer to Aiden not liking him standing so close to me. It was awkward. Flicking my eyes to the board I quickly said the first name that I could read.

"Adams looks good."

Emmett tapped on the window. "Can I get two fifty dollar tickets for Adams?"

When the lady handed him the slips he handed one to me. "That way if he wins, you've already payed me back." He said tugging at my hair before walking away.

"Want me to tell him to back off?" Aiden asked when we were alone.

I pretended I didn't know who he was talking about. "Who?"

He tugged at my hair, rolling his eyes. "Emmett. Sometimes he comes on too strong. Want me to talk to him?"

Sober Grace would have brushed him off but I was drunk so I had courage.

"Yeah." I said turning my attention from him and watching the races start. "I don't like the way he looks at me."

When he stiffened I laid a hand on his arm trying to be casual. "He hasn't done anything. Maybe just let him know I'm not on the market right now. I'm dealing with some shit."

He nodded, "I'll tell him right now. Go sit next to Darian."

I laughed. Aiden was the same old Aiden. "Not right now, the race is starting right now."

The sound of the air horn filled the air.

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