Chapter Twenty Six

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The beach had a good affect on Aiden.

He was relaxed and in a good mood and from the moment we arrived, he was having a good time. 

I wasn't about to let Emmett ruin that for him.

The girls set up a blanket with food and music while the boys struggled to get a volleyball court in the sand. It was actually funny to watch and I found myself relaxing. 

"You keep staring at him like that and you're going to have to buy him a ring." Aria said, slipping her flashy sunglasses down on her face and dropping her cover up on the blanket we had just set up.

I rolled my eyes. "Give it a rest" I mumbled dropping my cover up as well. The sun was beaming and I wanted to enjoy it. 

Kayleigh laughed. "I see it too. You sure you don't want to share any juicy details about that situation?" She looked around the beach. "While it's just us girls here?"

I smiled shaking my head. Not only was there nothing to tell, but even if there was, I didn't think I was the type of girl that liked to gossip. Definitely not where Aiden was involved.

Aria picked up the sunscreen and passed it to Emery who seemed to be taking in the ocean. I don't think she'd ever seen it before.

"That's fine. Aiden will tell Darian and Darian will tell me."

I crossed my arms. Maybe she could tell me whatever Darian told her. I needed to make a note to get her number.

"Are you guys going to sit there gossiping like chicks or are you going to play?" This was shouted from Emmett who was standing about twenty feet away throwing a white volleyball in the air.

He looked so normal that I could hardly believe he had just threatened me mere hours ago.

"About time." Aria yelled back. She sent me a wink before putting her hands to her mouth to amplify her voice. "I'm on Aiden's team."

I ended up on a team with Darian, Emery, and Kayleigh. It was fair because Kayleigh was better than everyone on the court. 

She also took the game way too serious.

"Grace, pull your head out of your ass and serve the ball." She shouted as I made some joke towards Darian. 

I narrowed my eyes, focusing on the opponent and sending the ball flying over the net. We played serious for about five minutes, before Kayleigh pissed everybody off and we switched the game to a sandcastle competition. 

When Aiden took a seat next to me in the sand I was actually relaxed. 

He sent me a smile as he began to shovel sand into one of the plastic pails we had brought. 

"What?" I asked, doing the same with my pail. There was no way I was letting Aiden make  a better sandcastle than me. 

His smile widened. "Nothing. A guy can't be happy at the beach."

It was suspicious. He was smiling like he had a secret.

As subtle as I could, I turned my attention to Aria who was sitting next to Kayleigh arguing over the other plastic tools. When she saw me looking she waggled her eyebrows. 

What had she done?

I had noticed her talking to Aiden during the volleyball game but I didn't think she would actually say something that would embarrass me. 

"It's kind of weird that you're smiling when you're about to lose a sandcastle building contest." I said lightly, putting my focus back on my pail.

Aiden laughed. "Grace, you couldn't build a sand hill."

He wasn't wrong. I watched what he did as we focused on our projects. Aiden was one of those annoying people that were good at everything they did. It was obvious he was God's favorite. 

When he dumped his pail over, producing a perfectly sculpted castle, I did the same. Mine came out as half of a castle and Aiden burst into laughter. 

Minutes passed and I couldn't get one of my castles to come out fully formed. I was beginning to get annoyed and bored.

I chewed my lip, looking up to realize everyone else had given up on their sandcastle. Aiden was still working carefully, his sculpture looking like a fucking fortress with numerous castles. 

Faking a yawn, I kicked my leg out, knocking over two of Aiden's castles. "Oops." I said, faking an apologetic expression.

He narrowed his eyes, nodding his head slowly before reaching out and grabbing my leg.

I was too shocked to even scream as he once again pulled me against him, his hands wrapping around my calf. I could feel sand being dragged through my hair and I couldn't help but let out a laugh when Aiden tossed me over his shoulder. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, barely catching my breath from laughing.

"I'm going to throw you in the water." Aiden said, not even looking at me as he made his descent into the water.

My blood was rushing to my head now, and I couldn't keep the humor out of my voice. "Aiden I will literally kill you if you toss me into this water."

The water was up to his knees now, and every time a wave came, my face would get wet.

he walked a few more feet before simply flipping me over and dropping me into the water. 

I nearly drowned from laughing so hard. The water was cold as hell but when I resurfaced, the sun was blazing on my back. Aiden was sporting a huge smile as I pushed my hair out of my face. 

"That was rude." I said, tilting my head to the side. 

Aiden responded by throwing a hand out and pushing me back. The combination of sand and strong waves knocked me off balance and I fell into the water once again, nearly choking as I laughed again. 

I knew I couldn't out muscle Aiden and I wasn't in the mood to embarass myself by trying to push him in the water. Plus I was too much of a pussy to put my hands on him. Instead, I grabbed a handful of sand and when I resurfaced I rubbed my hand across his face.

When he grabbed my wrist, I froze.

We looked ridiculous. Me with my hair sticking to my back in tangled strings and Aiden with mud sliding down the side of his face. 

And all of a sudden it was like every feeling I had ever had for Aiden came slamming back into me.

He'd been everything to me. I'd loved this boy with all of my heart. he'd been my protector and my bestfriend.

Now we were practically strangers and I still loved him. I was coming to the conclusion that I would never stop loving Aiden Vincent. 

It was as if he could read my expression. Like he knew what I was thinking. He slowly lowered my wrist, his hand going to my face, lifting my chin.

"We need to talk, Grace."

He mumbled the words but I heard them clearer than if he had shouted them. Even with all of the roaring going on in my head.

I was going to hyperventilate.

"Not today." I said quickly. I wanted to take a step back but I didn't want him to think I was retreating. I just needed to think. I wasn't good when I was put on the spot.

Aiden took a deep breath, his eyes going to the sky as he let me go.

Shit. I was fucking this up.

"Let's talk when we get home, Aiden." I said and I could hear the desperation in my voice. It annoyed me.

He stared at me now. "You already know what I'm going to say."

Did I? 

"I don't want to have this conversation with an audience. Please Aiden? It's one more day."

He seemed to think about it for a minute before nodding his head. "The minute we get to the house, I have shit to say, Grace."

I nearly sighed in relief. "Me too."

He pushed me in the water again.

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