Chapter Thirteen

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When I made it back to the house, my appearance was in turmoil.

Since I had left my hair to air dry that morning, I was left with a frizzy mess that I pulled into a tangled ponytail. My eyes were red a puffy and it was obvious that I had been crying.

I was hoping Aiden would just assume that it was a result of the night before. It was about three when I returned to the house. After leaving Dr. Collins I went by Morgan's to tell her what had happened last night.

She took Aiden's side, saying it was about time someone did something about Bryce.

I knew dinner was at five so I hurried through the door planning on straightening my hair and getting dressed as quickly as possible.

"Daddy!" I heard Addy scream when I walked through the door. I paused as she ran up to me, obviously expecting me to be her father. She pouted when she saw that I was not Kody.

"Oh." was all she said before turning on her heels and running back towards the living room.

Aiden caught her before she could make it, swinging her into his arms. "You're not supposed to run to the door Addy." he said, not sounding the least bit strict.

Addy tossed her arms around his neck, squeezing him tight. "I want my daddy" she spoke in a soft voice.

I watched as Aiden's features softened the way they always did when he spoke to his niece. "He's on the way. if you finish your food, you can be ready to get dressed the minute he walks through the door."

She shook her head. "Don't want it." She said in a playful mood now.

Aiden smirked and whispered something in her ear that had her giggling and squirming out of his hold.

"Okay, I'll eat it!" She shouted racing down the hall and towards the kitchen.

I tilted my head. "I hope you didn't cook whatever she's eating." I said jokingly. In all seriousness I didn't know if Aiden knew how to cook or not. Last time that I had seen him at the stove he had tried to flambé an egg and nearly set his kitchen on fire.

He sent me a smile. "The microwave did most of the cooking." He said softly before looking to make sure Addy wasn't within earshot.

"You good?" he said it casually and I could tell by his expression that he had been thinking about the question. That my answer would matter.

So, I told the truth.

"I'm better. Doc's pretty good at what she does."

He nodded, reaching out to grab my arm when I attempted to get past him. "You know eventually you and I are going to have to have a conversation."

I sighed. "Not today." What I really meant was not in this lifetime.

He nodded. "Soon. We're leaving in an hour." With that he let me go, shouting something to Addy that I couldn't hear because of the buzzing in my ear.


When I left my room, forty five minutes later I could hear Kody's voice.

"I don't make the rules, Aids. If you want to make a formal request-"

Aiden cut his brother off. "I just feel like she should have some sort of say. It's her party."

"She doesn't know that her uncle is manipulating her." This voice was new. A high pitched classy voice who I assumed was Kody's girlfriend.

"Mani-Manipulating? I would never." Aiden said with a gasp. I smiled. "She likes Brooklyn Nine-Nine. She forces me to watch it."

So he was still obsessed with that show. Good to know some things never changed.

"How would a kid even have a Brooklyn Nine-Nine party?" The woman asked. She sounded amused.

I heard a ruffling of papers, "I'm glad you asked..."

I fiddled with my dress one more time trying to make it not seem so short before turning the corner and facing the Vincent family.

Aiden sat at the table with a notepad. Addy sat on her dad's neck wearing a cute button up summer dress.

Kody stood over Aiden, reading over his shoulder, and Kody's girlfriend sat across from him.

She was beautiful.

When I walked into the room they all turned to look at me.

It was awkward for about three seconds until Kody broke the silence.

"Wow. Look at the prom queen."

I frowned, a reaction I always gave him when he called me that stupid nickname. But inside I was happy. It didn't seem like he was going to hold my mistakes against me.

I sighed walking further into the kitchen. "Your daughter doesn't like me, Kody." I said nonchalantly as I went to the fridge just to have something to do. "Should I take it personal?"

He laughed grabbing Addy and flipping her around so that she was now in his arms. "My daughter is a saint. She likes everyone."

Addy sent me a wide smile. "Grace." She said happily.

I narrowed my eyes.

The woman sitting at the table stood and walked over to me. I'd seen pictures of her around the house too. I just couldn't put a name to a face.

"Kody's rude. I'm Ezra." She said sending me a soft smile.

"Grace." I smiled back. "You're a little out of his league, aren't you?"

In reality she probably was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen and that was saying a lot. Her hair was dark long and shiny, swinging silkily with her every movement. Her eyes were green and her skin was clear. She didn't look like any mother I knew.

Kody laughed. "I see you're still mad about the nerf gun incident." He handed his daughter to Aiden before walking up to me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"We missed you around here, Grace. You good?"

Since my throat was tight, I pushed him a way, forcing a laugh. "Eww you even sound like a father." I said.

From the looks of his expression Kody took that as a compliment.

Whatever he was about to reply with was interrupted by Mr. Vincent walking into the kitchen.

"Alright we gotta go. Rory's going to be at the restaurant in forty minutes and I want to have the table ready when she arrives."

I smiled. Mr. Vincent definitely had a favorite child.

(Fr)EnemiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora