Chapter Sixteen

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By some miracle, Adams won his race.

I shouted and hopped in place as his small little red car turned the last corner and crossed the finish line. Aiden laughed at me, but I was actually relieved. This way I wouldn't have to pay Emmett back. I didn't want to give him any excuses to talk to me. He still gave me bad vibes.

"Who knew you were such a gambler?" Aiden said with a wide smile as he stared down at me.

I felt my stomach do a quick little flip and I didn't know whether to blame it on the alcohol or the sexual tension that I was feeling at the moment.

"I know how to pick 'em." I said back before sliding my hand into my back pocket and coming up with my better's ticket.

Aiden snatched it out of my hand quickly with a laugh. "I'm the one who told you to bet." He said pocketing the ticket. "I am entitled to at least half of the winnings."

I scoffed while my mind went through the options that I had. Was Aiden flirting with me? It seemed like he was but I was also drunk. Aiden was too. "You're just entitled in general." I said, answering as a friend instead of as a girl.

We were on thin ice, Aiden and I.

I didn't want to do anything that would make him rethink letting me be his friend again.

He chuckled handing the ticket back to me. "True enough. You wanna go meet the man who just made you one hundred dollars richer?" he asked lightheartedly, rising from the bleachers and offering me his hand.

I had no interest in meeting Adams but I was interested in spending a little bit more time with Aiden when we were careless and drunk. And us sitting alone in the bleachers was not the way I wanted to spend it.

Plus I had a feeling that if I took his hand and allowed him to help me up, he wouldn't let go and I liked the feeling of his hand wrapped around mine.

"I'm dying to meet him." I said sarcastically grabbing onto his hand and allowing him to pull me up. Like I suspected, he didn't let go of my hand once I was standing, instead he pulled me along, heading for the tracks.

Adams was no celebrity. In all honesty he was probably just some guy who went to Winterbrook U and needed to make a couple of bucks on the side. That didn't stop people from fawning over him like he was Tony Hawk and Tom Brady wrapped in one. I watched as girls batted their lashes at him and guys stood closer to him trying to make it look like they were having a conversation with him.

Adams was basking in the glory and I couldn't be mad at him. He'd be a fool not to enjoy his limelight when he had it. By next week everyone would most likely forget his name.

When he saw me and Aiden walking up, probably with goofy grins on our faces, he smiled.

It made him look younger, that smile and I couldn't picture him being the same guy that had just drove recklessly and dominated in a streetrace. He looked like a kid on christmas morning.

"Hey, Aiden!" he said ignoring the people talking around him. "You seen me?!"

Aiden tossed his head back, laughing as if he'd heard the funniest joke in the world and I was actually surprised by the sound.

"You got lucky man." Aiden said once we were finally in front of him. "If Herrera didn't fuck up on that last turn, my girl would have been going home empty handed."

I think we both noticed he called me his girl at the same time because we both stiffened while Adams simply moved his attention to me. "Well, you can at least introduce me to your girl, since I made her so much money tonight."

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